"Good night prince"

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                                  Finn pov

Finn start driving back to the house, he gets bored so he turns on the radio and it plays  'she will be loved' by maroon five, Finns head fastly turned his head facing the radio shocked at what was playing. Little did Mariah know, Finn was thinking of her, reminding him he loves her.

*5 minutes later*

Finn goes inside and see everyone worrying and panicking

"Guys what happened?!?" Finn says worrying.

"Um Mariahs gone and where were you?!" Sadie asks.

"Oh guys Mariah just told me to drop her off at Malcolms she's fine" Finn says.

"Oh" Ellie says.

"Well if she's having fun ok then" josh says.

"Yea i guess when is she coming back?" Millie asks.

"Oh i don't know so" Finn says.

Finn walks to his room with Wyatt following behind, and Wyatt closes the door.

"What do you mean she's at malcolms house? Whos Malcolm? It's just both of them? Is he hot? Did Mariah think he's hot?" Wyatt asks.

"First what the hell are you doing here, second Malcolm's my friend, third no Ayla my FRIEND is there with them, four I don't think Mariah would be unloyal like YOU and FIFTH why the fuck do you care, you cheated on her with MY girlfriend." Finn states.

"Because shes my girlfriend and even though your girlfriend and I kissed I care about Mariah UNLIKE you." Wyatt says.

"THATS NOT HOW THIS SHIT WORKS AND SECOND I DO CARE FOR MARIAH MORE THAN YOU FOR A FACT SO SHUT. THE. HELL. UP." Finn says and pushes Wyatt out the room to slam the door in his face.

Finn sighs and lays on his bed then sooner or later he falls asleep, sleeping for 3 hours.

                         Mariah Rodriguez

As you are practicing coming up with lyric for the song you come up with an idea and you write it down. All of it.

"Guys come here look what I got" Mariah says.

Malcolm and Ayla look over Mariahs shoulder and reads the lyric

"Oh my god, you really did that. We should do it, come up with a rhythm everyone" Malcolm says.

"Ok do you have a microphone? I just need to go over the lyric. Oh and Ayla if Malcolm has a guitar here, while I sing you could like come up with something and Malcolm could do drums." Mariah suggested.

"Yea i have a guitar here I'll get it in a sec and here is the microphone I'll set it up for you then I'll practice drums while u sing" Malcolm says.

"Alright I guess that's the plan" Ayla says.

Malcolm gives Ayla the guitar and she starts coming up with an intro, while Malcolm waits for the right moment to hit those drums. And you start singing.

After going over and over with the song you finally came up with it.

"OMG OMG THAT WAS IT!" Mariah says jumping up and down.

"That was good guys" Malcolm says.

Ayla squeals and jumps up and down with Mariah.

"Ok create a group chat of us and we will figure out the rest later cause now I gotta go" Mariah says.

"Alright I'll drop you off, let's go bye Malcolm" Ayla says.

"Ok bye Malcolm and thanks again for agreeing with this" Mariah says.

"It's no problem" Malcolm says.

You and Ayla start walking to the car and Ayla started driving you back to Millies house. Both are talking about if they should create a band or not but they will discuss it later cause Mariah arrived back.

"Bye Ayla I'll see you soon!" You say while getting out the car.

"Bye Mariah" Ayla says then drives off.

Mariah enters the house and see everyone watching a movie besides Finn, Mariah can't help but notice Wyatts arm around Michelle but once he saw her he moved his arm away.

Mariah starts walking to where Finn was staying because she wanted to know what he was up to. She walks in and sees him sleeping but then he wakes up.

"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you?!?" Mariah says.

"No it's fine I was gonna get up, when did u get back?" Finn asks.

"Oh just a few minutes ago" Mariah says.

"Come sit if you want" Finn says patting a spot next to him on the bed.

You go and sit down next to him

"So how was it?" Finn asks.

"I guess it was nice, it was hard though" Mariah says.

"Yea bambi it takes a lot of time to create a song" Finn says while smiling.

"Shut up wolfhard" Mariah says and hugs him.

"I'm glad we're back, and again I'm sorry for ignoring you those times I was just-" Finn starts but gets cut off.

"Mad. I know and I'm sorry for putting you through that" Mariah says.

Finn smiles and pulls her back into a hug

Mariah falls asleep on Finns chest and Finns playing with her hair until Wyatt comes in.

"Mariah what are you doing here?!?" Wyatt asks

"Huh" Mariah wakes up.

Mariah looks at Wyatt then Finn then his chest then Mariahs eyes shoot at Wyatt

"It's not what it looks like Wyatt I swear!" Mariah says getting up from the bed.

Wyatt leaves the room angry.

Mariah sighs and sits back down

"I swear ever since we got here Wyatts been acting weird" Mariah gets upset.

Finn looks down and Mariah knew exactly what he was thinking 'cause he cheated'

"Is something wrong Finn?" Mariah turns his head facing her.

"No" Finn says taking her hands off him and holding them.

"You can tell me you know" Mariah says.

"It's nothing I promise" Finn says crossing his fingers.

"I'm gonna go to my room and get some sleep, you should too. Good night prince" Mariah says to him and smiles

"Good night bambi"  Finn smiles at the thought of Mariah calling him prince.

Mariah goes to her room and falls asleep.


Phew we are almost at the good part.

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