Chapter One- Purus Street

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Hey guys! This is a new story of mine! If you didn't read the summary, this is a Dramione story about how Draco and Hermione knew each other before Hogwarts. Hopefully this will be a successful one :) Recommend this fanfic to any of your other friends who like Dramione, and I'd love feedback.

Chapter 1- Purus Street

June 5, 1986
-Draco's 6th B-day

~Draco's POV~

I LOVE my Birthday! Every year, I get so many presents, and since i'm turning six, I'll probably get six times the gifts! I bet all my presents will be from the finest toy companies, and will cost a very lot! (remember, bad grammar to mirror that of a six year-olds) Even my cake was expensive, but it's green and blue! I asked for a green and silver cake, like the Hogwarts house colors my mum and dad were in! I'm for sure getting in that house, I heard that all the Malfoys ever born were in that house!

Six is a really big number, one more than five! This year, my mummy chose a quidditch theme for my party! She said she would invite as many people as I liked, so I said a lot! Even daddy said that we would be inviting some special people!

As I got out of bed and walked towards my dresser, I saw a outfit all ready for me. Mummy put out a green shirt, light jeans, and some shoes she said were from a different country, Iatly, I think she said. This sure was going to be a good day if I got special shoes from a special place! I took the clothes off of the hanger and changed as quickly as I could.

"Draco, honey, your food is almost ready, would you like to come down now?" I heard mummy's voice, and I was hungry, so I told her, "Yeah mummy, I'll be there in a little bit, I have to finished changing!"

"Hurry up, son. You might miss your chance to spend your whole sixth birthday with us and your presents because you couldn't put on a pair of jeans!" I smiled at that. daddy wasn't always very happy, but when he was, he was always funny.

"I know, plus, it isn't the pants I'm having a bad time with, it's my shirt, I cant fit my head into the hole at the top." I scrunched my face, my head was stuck.

"That's why it's a button-down, sweetheart, you're supposed to unbutton it." Realization dawned on me. THAT'S why it was too tight. Mummy is so smart.

"Oh, that's makeses a lot of sense." I say. I want her to be proud that I get it, because I love my mummy a lot.

"Good baby, but it isn't makeses, it's makes." I just finished putting my new clothes on when I heard this. It isn't makeses? But it sounds right. I guess mummy is right though, she did go to Hogwarts already.

"I'm coming down now!" I yell as I go as fast as I can down the stairs, to meet my parents for breakfast.
We just finished our breakfast when someone knocked on our front door. "Daddy, are we expecting someone to be here this early?"

My dad got up and started leaving the dining table. "No, I don't think so." I love the way my daddy talks, he's always able to keep things under control just with the tone of his voice.

Instead i responded, "Oh, then why is someone knocking?" I stuffed a mini blueberry-chocolate pancake in my mouth.

"Maybe they're people we don't know or weren't invited to the party." Mummy cut in as she stood up, took the napkin off of her lap and placed it on the table, so I was the only one still sitting.

"Why would they come to bother us about it, Narcissa? if we didn't invite them, we either don't know them, don't like them, or they are mudbloods." Daddy's lip curled into an expression of dislike.

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