New Soldier

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" Wake up," one of my guards was at my door, " you have to train the new soldier today." It was the new guy, the sergeant. They told me that I was going to be the only one ( I didn't want to of course but I had no choice) I thought about this until I reached the door. I heard the shouts coming out of the room. Once I opened the door,  I was in shook. There was a lot of blood everywhere, it was on the celling, the walls, it was even on the "doctors" coats. But that wasn't what shocked me, what did shock me was the man on the table, from where I was standing, it looked like his hand was missing. I looked towards Zola, " I can't train this man, he is in too rough of shape. Even if I could, he would not last very long." " You will train him when I tell you." He said.

I turned my attention back to the man on the table. I was studying him, I noticed that he had a missing arm, like me, but I figured that he would get a prosthetic arm. I was not so lucky. Every time I tried to figure out what happened to me, I get a really bad headache. He had a strong jaw, and short but from where I was standing, soft hair. One of the "doctors" gestured to me and said something, but of course I wasn't listening. I got handed a file. It said ' James Buchanan Barnes' on the front. I gestured to the man on the table " Is this him?"  "Yes" said the Red Skull.

----------Time skip----------
I was in my 'room'. I wasn't doing anything, just staring into space with me, myself, and i when i got a really bad pain in my head.
You could save him you know, even if you think you can't.

Whaaaaaaat..... who are you?

I'm a voice, your own self. I see what your greatest fears are and they all involve the man in the other room, James Barnes.

How could you know that, I thought that when I came here that they did all this weird stuff to me to keep people like you away from me.

Look, I'm just here to do what the others told me to do, it is not like I came here on purpose. I'm trying to help you get out of this place with the man in the other room. I know  how to get out of here, but you are going to have to help me.

But you don't even know me, what do you want from me?

I just want to help you, when you were in that awful room, I was there trying to help you you were just to weak to figure it out though.

I still don't understand, who are you and why are you in my head and speaking to me?

Lets just put it this way. When you first got here, and they injected you with something it was supposed to be the 'new and improved super soldier serum.... buuuut it didn't end really well.

Okay, I'll help but then you have to tell me what the hell is going on, and i never cuss

A/n Let me know if you want me to make the chapters longer. I can do that if you so wish for me to do. let me know what you think. dont forget to comment and vote if you want to. ( also, the comments and what not you should read and they wont be as prim and proper as the actual book.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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