2nd cupboard. Glasses, shot glasses and plastic tubs.

3rd cupboard. Cakes and biscuit tins.

4th cupboard. Well it definitely seemed like a hospital ward with all the stuff he keeps. Plasters, bandages, wraps, ice packs, and tweezers were lined up together. Along with tubs of rubber bands.

I applied the plaster and recieved another text.

Connor- he said he will make it after college. Have u checked up on your car?

Bradley-  yeah its still there no marks or break ins

Connor- okay. I checked today was fine

Bradley- thank you

Connor- so ... i have a date

Bradley- OMG seriously.  U gotta tell me alllll the details

Connor- will do tomorrow. On call to him now

Bradley-  alright. Good night x

Connor- good night x

I went to my room and slid on a pair of tristans tracksuit bottoms. Shirtless tonight. It's so hot in his house.

I walked  to his room and saw him lying in his bed watching TV. He took one look at me and his eyes darted back to the screen as if he was pretending not to notice me.

"Yanno. It looks like you're part of a mental health clinic with that cupboard"

He didn't respond.

"What you watching?.... oh Jimmy Carr. I like him. Can I watch it with you?"


"Well there wasn't a no in that"

I saw he had already gotten into his night clothes.

"Are you warm. I'm warm"

"For fuck sake either get in this bed or shut the hell up"

I smirked and lifted up his bed sheets to snuggle into. Best part about another persons bedsheets. It smells like them. And it sticks with you so you never forget who's by your side. 

"I'm sorry, Bradley"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to be rude.  I'm just stressing about my car"

"I understand. It's not exactly in the safest of places and it will cost you"

"Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset"

"Then what's wrong?"


I roll my eyes and watch the TV, giving up with the mess.


"What if I hide it from you"

"Don't you dare! I will hide your favourite chocolate"

Tristan laughed and kept the £20 note high up in the air, reaching his arm up as far as it will possibly stretch.

"Give it back"

"Is my baby whining?"

"So what if I am"

"Then I love it, you little brat"

He took his other hand and brought it to my neck, keeping his fingers squeezed against my cheeks.

"Pout for me"

I gave a pouty angry look and he pushed my head so I was facing to the side. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Do you want me to fuck the play pretend anger out of you?"

"Yes please, Tristan"

"Yes what, cumslut?"

"Yes please, daddy"

"Good boy"

Im pretty sure I woke myself up by moaning. I was still in Tristans bed. But he wasn't in the room. Which I am pretty glad about.

I'm known for sleeptalking.

My parents used to have a conversation with me in my sleep I was that bad. I used to sleepwalk too. This one night, my parents were watching a movie it was around 12AM they said, but I walked in sleeping, and just stood at the end of their bed for a good two minutes and just walked out back to bed. They told me it was like something out of paranormal activity.

I heard water running so I went to the Bathroom and heard something. 


I was about to ask if he was okay when he made another sound.

"Faster baby"

Was he?... okayyyy what do I do now? WHAT DO PEOPLE DO IN THIS SITUATION!?!

"Mmh baby I'm gonna cum"


I felt myself get harder just by listening and thinking about what he is doing.  Keeping in mind I am already erect from my dream. I really need to feel something. My mind is aching for him. I want him to touch me.

"Oh god, Brad you take me so well"

What. The. Fuck. No. No no no. Absolutely no way. Not in a million years did I just hear that correctly.

It was enough to make me precum but I'm still trying to figure out what he said.

"Fuck, Brad"

There was a lot more moaning and heavy breathing beginning to slowly fade.

He said my name. Twice. This is a joke. This is not real.

"Brad..... brad.."

My eyes opened once more. I was back in Tristans bed.

"Huh? What happened?"

"You fell asleep with me last night.  I'm gonna make some banana pancakes. Want some?"

"Um sure... mind if I go shower?"

"Go ahead.  I've already been in sorry if the floor is a bit wet"

"That's fine" 

He walked out.

I'm so confused. That felt so real but it was just a dream. Yet there's a part of me that wanted it to be true. Why couldn't it of been true.

I also noticed I have a massive bulge formed in the tracksuit.

This morning is the worst.

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