Chapter 3

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It had been few weeks by now. It was the first time in ages that Elijah felt wanted by anyone in any way. Each day Liam came into the room, bringing food, activities and news about the mortal world and the quarrels of gods. Even though the boy was not allowed to leave, it didn't bother him anymore. He felt good where he was, as if he found his own place.

Elijah and Liam could talk for long times, as long as they got. Liam felt like a father figure to the boy at this point. Someone he never had. But still the boy didn't know any reason for which the guy who looked like a warlock was there in the first place. All they talked about were battle techniques and places.
"Mr Liam? Why do you work for the God of Negativity?" At hearing these words Liam chocked on his chocolate milk. "Mr Liam?" Elijah got a bit scared at what was happening, he didn't want to loose the friendly guy. "Mr Liam, I hope I not hurt you in an-"
"It's okay bud. I don't really like to talk about it. It's a touchy subject... But I guess I can simplify it for you..." Liam sighed, "So, at first I just I was just a warlock, I defended my city in a battle against the evil. I died there, only to get resurrected as a demi-God of Protection. Somehow coming back from it, I founded a family, only to be taken away from my lover and child. Only way to keep them safe was to join Calam's side." He said in a sober tone.
"I'm so sorry Mr Liam. I shouldn't have asked. I-"
Liam interrupted him, reassuring him that it was not a 'big deal', for one day they will be together again. Elijah smiled at the thought of his family being functioning in the future, but for him it seemed impossible. Maybe in a different world but not this one. This was not what destiny had in his way for him, he contemplated in thoughts.

Then they were called in by The Boss, or more precisely, Elijah was. The boy got scared at what might happen. His powers didn't work even though he tried. Everything seemed pointless at the moment. He couldn't run nor fight, so he followed a guy with blood going down his cheeks, right from his eyes. Liam walked behind them with his head down. This only made the boy more scared.
"Oh I can't wait to see what boss has in store for you. Maybe some new torture device." He laughed. It was the demi-God of Pain, awarded by Calam to join his league. This poor bastard lacked his eyes and had a blood red crystal on his forehead, often said to be his eye.
"Can you just shut up Zodiacc?" Liam answered him. "Your definition of fun is not being asked." He seemed pissed, yet... Worried. For sure, he grew in liking with the boy, reminding him of what he lost years ago.
"Oh Liam, dear dear Liam," Zodiacc mocked him, trying to make a sweet and lovely impression, "or what? You're going to cry to your fiancé and kid?" and there again, he laughed, just to make Liam feel bad.
Liam would either way not let him win the satisfaction of being hurt. He brushed it off him and continued walking to Calam in silence.

Calam sat in his chair, that due to it's massive size and decoration more looked like a throne. Yes, he was the king in his dark castle. Elijah knew, just like anybody else, that if you were to find yourself in this position and had no way out, you were either faced to death or life long working for the boss of hurting itself. He left a mental sigh and stood in front of the king.

The nightmare sat in his throne and looked toward the incoming guests relaxed yet serious. He was laying on his chair against the leanings of his chair, not showing any care.

"Boss, I've brought you the boy and the traitor." Zodiacc said. Often he used traitor as a word to describe Liam. Many of them did. Ever since what he did few years ago, he was no longer a respected member of the group, but just the lowest rank. Even Red was considered better, even tough he was just human.
"You can go now bastard." Calam responded. Zodiacc just stood there. He looked at Calam, to which he heard: "Do I need to make myself clearer?" his voice was threatening yet calm. Just hearing it gave Elijah goose bumps. At this sight of Calams anger Zodiacc had left the room.

The God looked at Elijah, behind whom Liam stood neatly. His voice sounded more calm but still not peaceful." So, you know why you've are here?"
Even though the boy was scared, he talked back, just because he saw the opportunity to and because his father's personality took over. "Because I've been kidnapped by you and set prisoner into a small room for several weeks while my powers had been taken away?"
Calam seemed shocked at this answer and just stared for a bit. Then he smirked. "I like you kid. You got a spark in you, that's just waiting to ignite. That's why you're here. You WILL join my gang."
Elijah looked at the darkness king and asked: "And what if I say no?"
Calams smirk got wider. "You can't say no to me. I'm the boss here." And the room filled with the laugh of the God of Negativity, that sent chills to any nearby creatures.

Destinies Way      I HAITUS IOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz