Land of Crowns and Pumpkins(Larry)

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You end up in a place that looks terrifying. There are no people. Blood everywhere. Its night time with a full moon. There's a graveyard nearby that looks chilling.There's a huge pumpkin patch and in the distance is a giant tower like castle. It looks like a typical Halloween movie.

Behind you is your house. I guess you can unshrink your dad and your dog. Your dad seemed pretty pissed but you ignored it and walked away. You walk around the city but nobody's here. There's blood all over the place.  You make your way to a pumpkin patch. The scarecrow out the looks terrifying. He has ripped cloaths and realistic gray hair. Farther down is still the the castle like tower. Your signal is gone so no more pesterchum. You feel like something is waiting for you at the tower and start heading down the little trail. The pumpkin patch surrounds you. The scariest thing happened. The scarecrows head moved. He's looking at you. You start to speed up. The scarecrow jumped off his wooden post. You start to run down the trail. He's chasing you. Some time later you end up at the towers gate but the scarecrow caught up to you. You turn around. STRIFE.  You stab his eyes and pulled them out. He seems pretty mad. You run in the doors and lock them.  You run up a spiral staircase. You get to the top and seem surprised. All that's there is a bed with 6 dark blue diagonal lines making a circle, not connected, of course in the center.  Oh no the man from earlier is behind you. Who knew he had wings. He has the face of a mutated deamon. He has this evil feeling in his eyes. Wait didn't you pull out his eyes earlier. Where the hell did he get his eyes from. He grabs you by the neck and throws you on the mysterious bed. He gets on top of you and stabs your neck with his sharp nails. He crushes your neck. Its bleeding like crazy. He rips out your heart and flies away. A beam of light shines from the bed. It shoots into the sky. You wake up feeling pretty damn powerful. A voice in your head says three words that stick. PRINCE OF VOID. You now have the power of flight. It feels awesome but these pantaloons are pretty damn tight. You fly towards the creature and use sound waves to break his left wing. You know damn well your dad and dog would be next if you don't do something. He turns around. His wings healed like instantly. He turned around and turns toward you. You create a school bus and launch it at him. Its great destroying nothingness which on all means you create any thing you want. He gets right back up and you create a missle. He dodges and flies towards you angrily. You black out. You wake up and fly to your house immediately. Its quiet...too quiet. There's blood all over the place.


Larry: I know I didn't say this enough but I love you dad. I promise that guy will pay for this

You look to see if your dog is okay. You see in the distance the guy is flying away with your dog charlie. You fly as fast as you can towards him. He stops to look at you and drops charlie. You swoop down and catch him. You place him down safely. You look at the man even though its obvious he's not human. He's like a bat from hell. You fly up and stab him through his heart. He just looked at you as if nothing happened.  He's about to strike you then above you another light shined. Looks like mark went through his gate just fine. He smiles. You stab him in his heart three more times. He throws you to the ground and flies through the gate. You wake up an hour later with charlie at your side. You need to find a safe place for him to be. You grab charlie and fly right up through the gate. Let's hope marks OK.

Homestuck: The 56 Man SessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora