Ross:I guess he musta gotten the part in that play.


Chandler:Yeah either that or Gloria Estefan was right eventually the rhythm is going to get you.

I laugh at Chandler's comment and he smiles at me.


At Chandler and Joey's apartment Joey is telling me and Chandler about Kate his costar.

Joet:I hate this woman!.I hate her!.She told everyone in the company about that info-mercial and now they all keep asking me to open their drinks.Okay and whenever I can't do it they're all like,like laughing at me.



Ross:So Rachel called.Wants to see me. Going over in a minute.

Joey:Wow what,what do you think she wants?.

Ross:Well maybe the crazy fog has lifted and she realises that life without me.... a-sucks.

Chandler:It's possible.You are very loveable I'd miss you if I broke up with you.

Ross glares at Chandler.

Chandler:I was just trying to be supportive.

Ross:Then be supportive like a guy.

Chandler:"In a deep voice".If I broke up with you I'd miss you.

I laugh at Chandler and I put my hand over my mouth to stop and Ross glares at me.


At Central Perk all of except for Rachel and Ross are here talking to Pete.

Phoebe:So you're like a zillionaire?.

Pete smiles and nods at Phoebe.

Chandler:And you're our age.You're our age.

Phoebe:Y'know what you should like you should buy a state and then just name it after yourself.

Pete:What like Pete Dakota?.

Elizabeth:"Laughing".Yeah or,or,or Mississ-Pete.

Joey:Oh,oh I got it.Pete-Chicago.

Chandler:That's not a state Joe.

Joey:Oh and Mississ-Pete is?.

Pete:I got to go so ah I'll see you guys later.


Chandler:You're our age!.

Pete:"To Monica".So ah we on for tomorrow?.


Pete goes to kiss her but she stops him and rubs his head.

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