Chapter Twenty-Eight

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Vera, please." 

"We should have a party," Mother said, "I think we could all use one. Elizabeth, if you will see to the arrangements." 

"I'll order some wine," Kepler said. "Champagne please," Mother countered with annoyance, "We're at war with Praxis, not good taste." My mother looked down at the notepad in before her and wrote some things down. 

"That will be all," She said. 


I sat down at one of the couches and drank some champagne. Gabrielle walked over to me, sitting beside me with a little smirk. "and why are you sitting with me?" I asked as I turned to her. "Because we're friends," she said. I raised my eyebrows and set my glass on the table beside me. "Since when are we friends," I said, "You were the one that was in a relationship with Daniel." 

"Uh, so were you!" 

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "Fine," I sighed, "If we're friends then..... what's my Y/F/C?" She sighed and took a sip of her drink. She leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms as well. "Y/F/C, because it was your first word that you said as a child," she said. 

"How did you-" 

"At the party, you were drunk," she answered, "And when we were talking you mentioned that." I furrowed my eyebrows and finished my champagne. "I don't remember that," I said. "Yeah, well people don't usually remember what they said when they were drunk," she said, "Anyways....I need to ask you a question." I rolled my eyes and motioned her to speak. "How was it?"

"How was what?" 

"How was it?" 


"You know...." 

"Gabrielle, if I'm asking this amount of questions it means 'I do not know'," I said, raising my eyebrows. I looked around and saw Randall staring at me with a small grin. I looked at him, waving. Gabrielle hit my leg and motioned me to talk to her. "I'm asking how was making out with Randall," she said, smirking. "How did you find you?" I asked while leaning in slightly. 

"I always find out, plus I'm your friend," she said, setting down her glass. I sighed, finishing my drink. Randall walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "I'll leave you two to talk," she said, getting up from the sofa. She waltzed over to Agnes and whipped up a conversation. "Did you tell Gabrielle what happened between us?" I asked him, turning to face Randall. "No? Why?" 

"Because she figured it out," I said, "You know, I'm starting to wonder that she just loves  stalking people." I laughed and shook my head, I scanned the room and saw my mother laughing as she was speaking with Hamish. I noticed that Randall was staring at me. "You're staring," I said. 

"I'm sorry am I not allowed to stare at my girlfriend?" 

"You are really charming, Carpio," I said, turning to face him. "Hm, aren't I always charming," he responded. "Hmm," I shrugged, "I'm not sure." He moved his face closer to mine, almost like he was going to kiss me. "How about now?" he asked, smirking. 

"Maybe," I said and laughed. We soon heard someone clear their throat behind us. I turned around and saw Hamish and Jack standing at the bar. Randall rolled his eyes and motioned me to come with him. "What's the deal with this place, man?" Randall said, "Everyone is so serious." 

"Yeah, that's a $300 bottle you're going to yak up later," Hamish said, pointing to the bottle Randall was holding. "Really?" I said and took the bottle from him, "In that case..." I grabbed another bottle and handed it to Hamish. "No, thanks, I'm good," Hamish said. I sighed and popped the bottle open. "More for me I guess," I said, taking a swig of the alcohol. "Come on, if we hurry up we can go back to the den before my brain goes numb," Randall said, pointing to his head. "I think that's already happened," I said as I laughed a bit. He looked at me very hurt, but slowly forgot what I had said. I giggled, shaking my head from his expression. 

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