2 ~ dandelions.

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"i'm in a field of dandelions. wishing on every one that you'd be mine."

as promised, eddie returned to work the next shift. it was a slow day, not many calls.

at lunch, chimney sat down next to buck and eddie. "guys, i need your help."

"yeah sure, what's up chim?" buck asked.

"how do you like, you know, raise christopher?"

"are you asking for parenting tips?" eddie asked.

"i- it's just." chimney stuttered. "i'm so excited for the baby to come i just don't know if i know what i'm doing. and christopher turned out so well, how do you do it?"

"cant help you, chim, i'm not a parent." buck said, getting up. eddie grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down to the chair.

"oh please, you spend more time with christopher than my parents ever did with me." chimney remarked.

"you just have to connect with him." eddie said. "don't get angry, try to understand that kids will be kids. as a parent you are gonna make mistakes, you have to make sure you don't take it out on your kids."

"yeah that and, don't sleep with his mom if she walked out on him." buck smirked.

"or don't loose him in the middle of a tsunami."eddie said.

"yeah, on second thought maybe i shouldn't take advice from you people. about anything." chimney said, being the only one in the room to laugh at his unfunny joke.

buck and eddie looked at each other, confused. and then went back to eating.

"they already fight like a married couple." chimney mumbled to hen as he passed her on his way out of the kitchen.

it was a sunny day. it was los angeles in may so it was always sunny. but today felt different. today was a happy day.

"hey buck." eddie said, returning from putting his dishes in the dishwasher. buck looked up at eddie from his seat.

"what's up, ed."

eddie chuckled under his breath. he liked the nickname ed. he used to hate it, he thought it made him sound like an old man. but the way buck said it just sounded right. he wasn't sure if he liked it because of the name or because of who was saying it, but either way it was a nickname he was going to get used too.

"i have a meeting with the chief after shift, do you mind picking up christopher from his friends house?"

now it was bucks turn to smile. buck loved being apart of christopher's life. buck knew that he has made quite a few mistakes when it comes to eddie and christopher, but when it comes down to it he would trade his life for either of theirs in a heartbeat. he loved chris. he loved spending time with him and eddie. buck and eddie spent a lot of time trying to get chris the help he needs, and chris has grown up wonderfully.


all of shift, buck remained extremely happy. he wasn't sure why, but he just kept smiling. when the bells rang indicating that their time on shift was over, buck hurried to change and lock up.

"my name is evan. i'm here to pick up christopher." buck said to the brunette lady who answered the door when buck rang the doorbell.

"chris! your fathers here!" the woman yelled into the house behind her.

buck opened his mouth to correct her, but decided against it. his eyes lit up when christopher come around the corner. buck ran over to christopher and picked him up, wrapping him in a big warm hug. "hey bud. how are you?" buck asked, putting chris down.

"i'm good buck. i'm happy to see you." christopher said in his little kid voice.

buck smiled really big. "i'm happy to see you too." he walked christopher out of the house and into the car. the two drove to eddies house. when they got to the door, buck fumbled around in his pocket for the key. christopher ran inside and grabbed his game controller. "buck! i bet i can beat you in the game!" christopher screamed. buck went back to his really big smile, and ran inside to play with his favorite little boy.


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