Grandparents babysitting!

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You and your husband are on a honeymoon so you decide to leave your child with their grandparents!
- Bakugo-
"Be good for grandma and grandpa Kazumi." You said as you gave her one last kiss goodbye. "Yes mommy!" She said happily. You and Katsuki left. Kazumi was then carried up by her grandmother. "What are we going to do grandma?" Kazumi asked. "We're going to make dinner. Do you think you can help me?" Kazumi nodded and kindly helped Mitsuki. Mitsuki was glad that Kazumi had more of your personality other than Katsuki. She loves her son and all but having to raise was hard. All the constant yelling and hitting was really annoying most of the time. As the meat was cooking Kazumi had a pleasant conversation with her grandparents and told them many things about school.

- Shoto -
Rei is also in here along with Fuyumi of course...
"Shoto c'mon, I know you don't like it but...he has changed over the years. I'm pretty sure he won't treat our kids like he did to you." You said to him as you carried the last bags. "I guess you're right love. Let's just say bye to the kids and catch our flight." You nodded and gave goodbye kisses to your children. "Be good!" You said before leaving. Your children looked up at their grandparents and Fuyumi. "Aunti Fumi what are we going to do today?!" Heti asked. "We are going to play a game of hide and seek. Grandma and grandpa would help me seek while you four hide." Fuyumi said while gushing over her cute niece and nephews. The four children cheered and went to go hide. "This should be easy enough." Enji said. "I-I don't think so dad....they're pretty good at hiding." Fuyumi said nervously after remembering last time. Rei hummed and after the counting they went to go search for the four children. 

"This is getting ridiculous." Enji said getting tired of looking. The three grow ups have looked everywhere for them and still no sign.  Rei got nervous thinking they lost the children. "Don't worry mom. This should make them come out. I have cookies!" Soon they heard the four children running down the stairs in a hurry. "COOKIES!" Rei and Fuyumi laughed while Enji just sat there surprised. He checked all up stairs and he couldn't find them. "Where did you all hide this time?" "That's a secret." Rei giggled and munched on the cookie with his siblings. The three adults sighed and began to bond more with the children. 

- Tamaki -

His parents were out of town and as you both were at Fat Gums agency since Tamaki had to get something. Fat Gum bumped into you three. "Oh hey guys!" You all greeted him though Ryota was kinda shy. "You must be Ryota! You look so much like your dad!" You giggled as Ryota said hi to him. "Weren't you guys supposed to be on your honeymoon?" Fat asked. You sighed and explain to him the situation. "If you needed a babysitter you should've asked me. I would like to take care of Ryota!" You both thanked him.
Ryota had fun with Fat Gum while you two were away. Fat told him everything about how his father was when he was becoming a hero. They also made delicious food together!

- Hitoshi-
You and Toshi left Kana with Aizawa and Yamada. "Be good Kana." You told her and she nodded. It wasn't much of a problem for both the heroes since Kana just played with the cats quietly and slept a lot. Kana was a chill kid and wasn't loud like Yamada. Though they did have fun and played many games together.

- Shigaraki-
All for one decided to take care of Koya while you two were gone. It seemed reasonable to leave your son with him than a bunch of crazy lunatics. Koya was a calm child and AFO liked that about him. He showed him how all the Nomus were made and told many stories of Koya's parents. Koya learned how All For One almost killed the symbol of peace. But besides all the death and horror All for One did they talked about other things and got to know one another very well.

Sorry but I couldn't do the other three so...

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