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1946, Theo POV

    I wake up in a cell with chains wrapped around my ankles and wrists. The cell is blank and gray, with no windows, save for a tiny barred opening in the middle of a massive steel door. I am wearing a blue jumpsuit with what seems to be wave patterns all over it. I try remembering how I got there, but my mind is blank. I see a file on the bench next to me, so I look at it. In big bold letters it says THE FLOW: I look inside.

Name: Theodore Samuel Marsh

Age: 16

Date of Birth: April 22, 1930

Known Relatives: Sophia Marsh (mother), James Barnes (father), James Marsh (elder brother)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'8"

Description: Primary test subject for Operation-

   Suddenly a crash resonates around my cell as the door is slammed open and I drop the file. Two guards in all black enter the room and grab my wrists hauling me out of the cell. We walk through a mass of hallways until we enter a room with a pool. A man in a lab coat is standing there holding a syringe with a clear liquid that looks sort of like silicone. The guards push me forward so I am standing at the edge of the pool and roll up my right sleeve.

"Are you sure this will work?" one of the guards asks Lab Coat Man.

"Of course," he replies. "By the time we are finished he will have full control over his element. If it doesn't work, then the poison will kill him." He then sinks the needle into my arm.

I scream in agony as pain shoots from my shoulder throughout my entire body. I vaguely hear Lab Coat Man say, "Set up the cryofreeze tank. As soon as he wakes up, we need to put him under." to one of the guards before I feel myself being pushed into the pool. I collapse from the pain before I even hit the water.

2011, Clint Barton POV

I peer down through the rafters of a HYDRA base as I see Natasha Romanov walk through a door into an empty hallway. We were sent to investigate an abandoned HYDRA base in Scotland. Suddenly I hear Nat through the comms. "Clint, get down here right now, you have to see this."

"On my way," I reply as I swing down from the rafters and make my way through the base. I make my way to the end of the corridor I saw Nat go through, and walk into a large room with cryofreeze tanks lined up along the walls. I walk over to Nat, who is in front of a tank with a living, breathing body in it. It seems to be a sixteen year old boy with raven hair and sea blue eyes. A plaque under the tank reads:



I turn off the tank and smash the glass just as the boy opens his eyes.

2011, Theo POV

My eyes open and I find myself looking at two people in black clothes. One is a middle-aged man with brown hair, and the other is a woman with short red hair. The man turns to look at me. "Are you Theodore Marsh?" He asks me.

"Ya," I reply. "Where am I?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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