Chandler:All right.Look I’m gonna go in here and you don’t buy me anything ever."Starts to go into the store".

Joey:No,no you can’t,you can’t okay you can’t,you can’t buy her pearls you just can’t,you can’t,you can’t.

Chandler:Why not?!.

Elizabeth:Oh God.Uh okay here’s the thing this is the thing okay the thing is...

Chandler:What is the thing?.

Joey:Okay.Liz and I went down to the Mattress King showroom and,and we saw Janice kissing her ex-husband.


Elizabeth:They were in his office.

Chandler:Well she,she wouldn’t do that she’s with,she’s with me.

Joey:I’m telling you man we saw it.

Chandler:Yeah well you’re wrong!.Okay you’re wrong.

Joey:We're not wrong!.

Elizabeth:Sweetie we wish we were...We are sorry.

Joey:Bet that barium enema doesn’t sound so bad now huh?.

-November 14th 1996-

   At Monica and Rachel's Me,Monica,Rachel, Phoebe and Joey are here.

Monica:Okay Ben I won’t tell your daddy that you had ice cream for dinner if you don’t tell about our little bonking incident.

Rachel:Monica number one I don’t think Ben understands the concept of bribery and number two I-

Joey starts laughing.

Rachel:"To Joey".What?!.

Joey:You said number two.

Rachel:I also said number one.

Joey:I know."Laughs harder".



Ross:How’s my little boy?.

Rachel:He’s perfect he’s never been better.

Ross:"Noticing the outfit he is wearing". What’d you do take him whaling?.


Ross:Oh my God he just said your name that’s great!.Good job Ben.

Ben:Monica bang!.

Monica:Oh that’s right that’s what I’d sound like if I exploded.

Phoebe:Woo-Hoo!.The curse is broken!.I called everybody I know and everyone is alive."Dances".



Joey:Ugly Naked Guy looks awfully still.

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