Chapter Six ~ But you're still on my lonely mind.

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*Chris’ POV* 

I just got out of the shower when I heard knocking on my door, 

“I swear to god if it’s that whore I’ll-” I said cutting myself off as I opened the door to see Angelo standing there 

“What’s up Ang?” I asked letting him come in 

“Um nothing… Did I interupt you from your shower?’ Angelo asked seeing me half naked with a towel around my waist and me still wet from the water

“Nah you didn’t, I was just about to get changed, which I shall do now so make yourself at home” I said walking off to my room, why in the hell is Angelo here? I thought to myself. I got dressed in some simple black skinny jeans with a misfits shirt and joined Angelo back in the living room where he was sitting on my couch sipping on some coffee, 

“So what’s up?” I asked Ang again, 

“I need some relationship advise” he said 

“You know there are the guys who could help you other than me, you know how fucked up my relationship is right now. Lolita left me and I ended up with a whore but then I dumped her” 

“I know with the whole situation but I’ve known you for longer and I know you won’t try to do stuff unlike the others” Angelo said 

“So what do you need help with?” I asked 

“I really like Meagan but I don’t know what to do” Angelo sighed looking down, I could tell he was feeling helpless. It’s been a while since his last relationship and that relationship ended up badly, 

“Well I don’t really know how to help but maybe just tell her and see what goes on there?” I suggested 

“I know but isn’t it wrong to like someone who isn’t a vampire?” Angelo asked. 

“It is looked down upon but it isn’t wrong, many vampires have loved other creatures and they have worked out fine… Well except for the whole female vampire liking a male werewolf, that doesn’t end very well” chuckling to myself remembering something that had happened many years ago. 

“So do I just tell her straight flat out that I like her?” Ang asking again 

“You can” shrugging my shoulders 

“Thanks, I’ll go do that then…” Ang said getting up from where he was sitting and walking towards the door, 

“See you later Chris” Angelo shouted out closing the door behind him, 

“Now to finally go get Lolita back” I said walking towards my front door. 

*Time lapse to when Chris is at Allie, Ryan’s and Lolita’s apartment* 

I knocked on the door and Allie answered it, 

“What do you want Chris?” Allie whispered looking back behind her

“I’ve came to get Lolita back” I said 

“She isn’t in the best way right now, come back later” Allie whispered again 

“No, I am here to come get back my partner” I demanded 

“Fine, come in but don’t blame me for what is going to happen” Allie said letting me into the apartment, 

“Where is she?” I asked looking around 

“She’s in the spare bedroom asleep, she was heartbroken when she found out that you have a girlfriend” Allie said 

“Had, I dumped her because I realised I needed Lolita” I said before making my way to the spare bedroom. 

I opened up the door and saw Lolita laying in the bed so peaceful, 

“Why do you always draw me in so much my Lolita?” I whispered to myself walking towards her sleeping frame. I brought my hand to gently slide it across her cheek as I had noticed that there were still some stray tears on her face because of me. Lolita whimpered in her sleep, 

“Shh Lolita” I whispered, Lolita gently opened up her eyes to see them sitting on her bed right next to her. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked 

“I told you I would come for you”

But what about your girlfriend?” she asked

“Let’s just say that I can never get you of my mind and in my mind it seems you can never leave me alone” I said chuckling 

“Alright?” she seemed confused, 

“Please Lolita, please forgive me for what I have done. I can not live without you, you are my everything and you are everything I possibly need” I begged her 

“Come here” she said scooting over to there was room for me to join her in bed, I moved so I was laying next to her and kicked off my shoes and making them land next to the bed, 

“Yes Lolita?” 

“I have loved you from the moment I saw you, I will slowly forgive you for lying to me but I know I will forgive you very soon” Lolita said placing her hand against my cold cheek, 

“Lolita?”I said looking into her eyes

“Yes?” she said also looking back into my eyes 

“May I kiss you?” I romantically asked 

“Of course” she said pushing herself towards me more placing a kiss on my lips and me kissing her back. 

This part of life was perfect right now. 


I'm sorry this chapter was shit but the next chapter will have an Angelo POV for a change :D

I would like to thank everyone who has commented on the last chapter, became a fan and stuff :)

Chapter song; Here Without You by 3 Doors Down. 

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