The petite Boy told me his woes,"You probally heard it all before; Everyone ignores me everyone steals I don't fit in with anyone here." He said while looking up into the sky almost as if saying 'Goodbye Bye' to it. Images start to appear of him helping his classmates or asking for help and just end up getting blown off or the 'Cold Shoulder'. The next clip showed them trying to steal his Hero Book for the Future.

"Doesn't that look like dekus notebook?" Said zero
"Yeah kinda" replied mina

"FOR GODS SAKES PLEASE ARE YOY SERIOUS I JUST CAN'T BELIVE, THAT FOR SOME STUPID REASON YOU FOT HERE BEFORE ME!" "CAUSE EVEN SO YOYR STILL LOVES BY EVERYONE AT HOME." He waited till the boy turned to look at him. Izuku ran up to him and gave him a back hug whispering in his ear. "Your still loved by everyone at home, there's always dinner waiting on the table you know?" He sighed remembering of how his Mother was never there for dinner due to her working and him eating all alone every night.

"Wait is midobros mom never home in our universe too?" Questioned kirishima. Which then got everyone thinking

"I'm Hungry." Said the Boy as he she's a tear; the boy as short as can be then disappeared.
Aizawa, Nezu and some others just caught on to what it means by 'Disappear' and where already planning on asking Midoriya what's going on and maybe a Therapy Appointment as well as a Doctors.

'And like that there was someone new everyday, I listened to there tales made them turn away. Yet there was no one who would do this for me no way I could let out all this pain~."

"You have us Deku-Kun you can tell us anything!" Stated Uraraka trying her best to smile.

"Agreed *Kero*!"

'For the very first time there I see someone with the same pains as me.' It showed a person looking the EXACT same as Midoriya nothing different other than clothing the person jumping was wearing a yellow hoodie instead.

"By now most had caught on about who these people were some are still confused though

'Having done this time and time again he wore a Yellow Hoodie.'
"I just want to stop the scars that grow every time that I go home, that's why I came up here instead." That last what the Boy in the Hoodie said. Just like all the others the screen portrayed the boy getting beat up in what looks like a Junior High Unifrom than him coming home cutting himself, and arguing with his mother

"Do they always argue like that?" Asked dabi

"I've never seen the nerd argue with auntie" replied bakugo

'Whoa wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't careless either way but in the moment I just screamed something I did not believe.'
"HEY DON'T DO It Please......"
'Agh WHAT TO DO?! I can't stop this Boy oh this is soon for once I think I bit off more than I can chew!.'
The boy seemed shocked but still had a small smile on his face he turned around and looked at Midoriya took of His Hoodie and through it over to his side.
"I guess today is just not my day." He sighed but still smiling.
He looked away from me and then he disappeared.

"Is that the end?" Asked todoroki
Everyone just sighed

It started like the first one Midoriya heading back up those same stairs he became to recognize more often.

Many thought 'Oh no, Why would he do this after all of those failed attempts though?!'.

'There's no one here today I guess it's time, it's just me myself and I. There's no one who can infer; No one to get in my way here.'
It showed his signature Red shoes walking and taking a step up to show the wing hitting his hair making it blow in many directions. But what mainly sticker out to the audience was his outfit he had a small little braid in his hair and that same Yellow Hoodie the boy wore from yesterday.
"Taking off my Yellow Hoodie, Watching my braids all come undone, This short boy as could be is going to jump now and be free."

"NO!" shouted the Audience in vain
Even some of the villans shouted

As the scream faded to black you could still hear the sickening crunch

"Midoriya, no!" Muttered a sad todoroki

"So hat did you think of that?"

"It was horrible" said midnight getting nods of agreement

"We should have a word with Midoriya after this" said aizawa

"Well let's move on eh?"

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