mama Midoriya

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Choosing multiverse.....

Choosing multiverse.....

Choosing multiverse...

Multiverse found...

Mama midoriya

"What does that mean" asked a confused kaminari
"You'll see"

The scene opens to show class 1a (minus Midoriya) and aizawa tied to chairs in a rundown looking bar.

Shiggy- ha looks like we caught you

Bakugo- shut it hand kink!

"Well well well looks like the little hero's have been caught" Shigaraki taunts as the walked out of the shadows with toga and dabi
"Where is midoriya!" Aizawa snapped
"Oh him we didn't take him he's useless"

1A and all might- no he isn't!

"No he isn't!" Cried uraruka
"Either way we're going to kill you, the pros don't know where you are and the only ones who knows your gone is midoriya and he won't find you" said dabi
"Wait so Deku is out there and has no Idea where we are?" Asked bakugo
"That's right" they replied looking smug. Class 1a slowly started to smirk and glance at each other

"Why are they smirking like that" shouted Lida doing his robot arms

"Ok. Stab me" blurted out Lida

"YES" squealed toga

Toga happily compiled and stabbed him in the shoulder while dabi looked suspicious and Aizawa shouted
"What the hell Lida!"
"Stab me to" said denki who was stabbed in the leg

"What the hell are we doing!?"
Aizawa turned and gave them a death stare " if any of you do this you will be in trouble"

They all sweatdropped

"Me to" shouted uraruka who grunted in pain from being stabbed
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING!" Screamed Aizawa in a panicked state because 'what the hell are the problem children doing'

"Are you ready?"  Asked a smirking tsu
"Wait what the hell are you doing!?" Shouted a bewildered Shigaraki before looking at aizawa who had no idea what was happening

"Why are we all counting" asked Momo. well maybe they have a plan but what is it!

"Why are you counting" screamed toga
"HELP US" the class screamed.

"Ohh I get it now" Midoriya is an overprotective mother towards us thought momo

Aizawa just looked bewildered and was about to ask what they where doing when the wall exploded. And there in all his glory was a furious midoriya with a frying Pan.
he then stalked over and hit the villans hard on their heads knocking them out before turning to the class
"Kids are you okay- you all go get cleaned up dinner is on the table as well". He said to a now untied class and a lost looking Aizawa
"Thanks mom"


"Well damn" said denki silently thinking what the hell

"This was stupid I hate it stupid NPC's" whined shiggy

"Well that's it for this universe let's do the next" I said

Choosing multiverse.....

Choosing multiverse.....

Choosing multiverse.....

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