Stomachache From Eating Too Much Candy

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It was Halloween night, Sonic and his friends had already come home after a night of trick or treating.

Two figures sat under a blanket moaning and shifting around, Amy Rose gently pet the two bumps in the blanket.

"You see, Cream, this is what happens when you eat too much candy at once," Amy said to her friend, Cream the Rabbit.

"I know, Amy, mommy always tells me not to eat too much, or I'll get a tummy ache," the young girl replied.

Two moans were heard from under the blanket, Amy rolled her eyes and said, "Don't try to get innocent on us, you two, you brought this upon yourselves.

The first Mobian lifted his head from the blanket, revealing himself to be Sonic, "It wasn't even my idea that we did this."

His muzzle was pale, and after another somersault from his stomach, he groaned and hid back under the blanket.

"Don't lie," came a gruff voice from the second figure, who still refused to reveal himself.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it was, Amy has a point, this wouldn't have happened if you two listened to us," Miles 'Tails' Prower said.

"Thank you, Tails. You two should be better by morning, depending on how much you candy you two consumed," Amy said.

The second figure lifted his head from the blanket, revealing to be Knuckles the Echidna; Knuckles looked ready to say something, but moaned and held his stomach, his eyes tightly closed.

"I don't even remember how much we ate," Knuckles groaned, taking in a deep breath to hold off the nausea he was beginning to feel.

Sonic lifted his head and moaned, "I think I'm gonna need a--urp... bucket."

"S-same here," Knuckles agreed.

Amy rolled her eyes, but went off to see if there were any buckets in Sonic's house, occupying herself by flashing back to when they found the two sickly Mobians.

Sonic and Knuckles were upstairs in Sonic's room for a while, so everyone else grew curious and went to check up on them.

Sonic and Knuckles were lying on the floor, moaning and holding their stomachs, their bags of candy were almost empty, with only a handful of untouched candy left.

She chuckled at the memory, bringing the buckets and placing them besides the boys' heads.

Cream picked up her bag of candy and said, "I can't wait to see what delicious sweets I have!"

Sonic and Knuckles groaned and hid back underneath the blanket, holding their stomachs, which were now doing somersaults at the sound of sugar; Amy giggled and said, "Just don't turn into these two."

Cream and Tails giggled along with her, Sonic moaned and said, "It's not funny! We feel like we could die."

Knuckles' muzzle gained a greenish tint from the nausea, he then picked up the bucket and was sick into it, he wiped the excess off of his mouth and placed the bucket back on the floor.

"Blech... I hate to adm.... urp... admit it, but Sonic has a point..."

Amy giggled softly and gently pet the two Mobians on the head, she kissed their foreheads and said, "Get some rest, you two. You'll be feeling better by morning."

The two of them eased up and closed their eyes, resting their heads on the pillows.

Amy grabbed her bag and followed Tails and Cream, ready to open up their treats.

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