After my history class, a meeting for my section of the Dome is called. Everyone goes into the auditorium and sits in the uncomfortable seats, waiting for the Presenter of the Council, Jenn Silvia, to emerge from a back room and deliver whatever information she has to give us. After waiting for a few minutes, she appears, clean and pristine. Her hair is swept back into a perfect bun on the back of her head. She wears a long grey dress, just like every female in the Dome. She looks down upon her audience, keeping a stern, serious face. After staring us down, she speaks.

"Good afternoon, and I thank you all for coming," Jenn says, and I almost snort. As if we had a choice.

"As many of you know, Rebels are starting to stir up trouble throughout the Dome. Without order, we would be nothing. Much like the people who destroyed this planet." She continues, droning on about all the outbreaks of chaos throughout the Dome. She holds herself so confidently, she seems bigger than everyone in the crowd.

"There have been multiple residents caught listening to music in the past few months, so this is a reminder that anything of the sort is prohibited. Everyone should know exactly what is expected of them, and any rebellious behavior will be reported. Remember, Citizens, you must never leave the Dome. It would be reckless, rebellious, and simply futile. A death sentence. Anyone suspicious of leaving the Dome will be put on trial, and likely be sent to an Cleansing Home." A Cleansing Home is where people are sent to be 'cleansed of sinful actions or thoughts.'

"And for those of you plotting against us, the Council will find out, and there will be consequences."

After the meeting is over, I go to my computer class. All we are doing today is typing, so I have trouble containing my boredom. Other kids give me dirty looks when they see me slouching in my chair, or fiddling with my thumbs. Everyone else sits perfectly still, with exact posture, but I never have been like the people around me.

After enduring class for an hour, I ask my teacher to go to the bathroom. She knits her eyebrows together, and after asking me if I really need to go, lets me leave. I walk down the hall and into the bathroom quickly.

I go inside a stall, and sit on the toilet. I pull out a small coin from my pocket, examining it. It's called a penny, something that people from a long time ago used as money. It is from outside the Dome, and if I am caught with it, who knows what my punishment will be. It feels hot in my hands, as if it's burning to leave this place as much as I am. After studying it for awhile, I place it back in my pocket and leave the stall. I start to wash my hands, staring at the blank white wall behind the sink. I hum very softly, knowing that if anyone hears I will be reported for rebelliousness.

I hear the bathroom door open as I dry my hands, and stop humming immediately. In walks Claire Dover, and two of her friends. Claire is the daughter of a Council member, and has always suspected me to be a Rebel. Once, she even confessed her suspicions to her dad, who dismissed it. He quite likes my mom.

"Hm, look who's here. Ash Nevarez, the dirty little liar she is," Claire says, her eyes sweeping over me hungrily. Her friends smirk, glaring at me.

"Shut up, Dover," I say, trying to squeeze my way behind her.

"Not so fast, Ash, we haven't had time to chat," she flashes a fake smile and grips my arm tightly. She leans in, and her sweet perfume overpowers my nose. I flick my eyes to the door, wishing I wasn't here. "What have you been telling people lately? That if they go outside the Dome they'll find golden trees and waterfalls made of rainbows?" She snorts.

"Oh, Claire, you've always had a great sense of humor. How's your dad? Still trying to overcome his cowardice and ask my mom out? Or is he too afraid of getting turned down again?" I say in a falsely sweet voice. Claire's eyes flash, and she smashes her fist into my face. My nose starts gushing, and I sink to the floor as she lands another punch to my stomach. Claire may be stupid, but she knows I would never lay a finger on her. Not if I want to keep my life.

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