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I would like to deeply apologize for my lack of focus on this (my baby) and for not updating soon enough. I promise this will be done soon. Apologies again and hope you are still interested 😘😘😘]

Disclamer: Character's name and pictures used are not my own credits to its rightful owners.

Mek's POV

It's been a month now that Boss and I are officially boyfriends, it was not easy but not difficult as well.

At the University, people did not really made a fuss out of our extra closeness coz they are used to seeing us like this since freshman years. It's just that now I don't pretend to cringe anymore or pushed Boss away whenever he becomes clingy like a koala....I welcome it now. Home life did not change although we do sneaked a few times to sleep together, usually at my dorm since Boss felt he was being watched (he is paranoid sometimes). This started after our meeting with his father, two weeks after returning to school. It was not different from his mother's reaction, upset at first, then there's the threat and then the creepy smile and the handshake accepting me as his son's boyfriend. After all of these, Boss' worry started. He felt that he was being watched specially at night, so he would sneak out of his dorm to go to mine and we cuddle to sleep together.

As if the Gods are on my side, we wil have a long weekend off since our University will be closed this Friday due to a Lecturer's Convention and our Uni is the host. This saturday is our first month together and I had always planned that I will bring him to my home to introduce to my Family, my sister knew this plan and she said she will help me prepare our parent's state of mind before we show ourselves and drop the bomb. Still, I'm still nervous about the whole thing. My family is conservative as well, specially my mother who always take her time in pairing me with her friends daughter in the whole of my college life..."such a waste of handsomeness if you will not use it to get a good girl for your girlfriend or a wife" this was her usual monologue whenever I visit home for vacation. So now it might be different, I already used my handsomeness to get a wife, but not a girl...obviously.

"Hey Hon, we don't have classes tomorrow (friday), I'm planning to go home would you like to come?" I asked Boss while he was driving us to school. A screeched can be heard when he abruptly stepped on the brake in the middle of the road.

"Hey what the.....why did you stop like that....." before I could continue what I'm going to say, Boss had his hands on the back of my neck and pulled me for a deep kiss... my mouth was open...

"Really!!, I'm finally meeting your parents....?" he said excitedly as he continue to drive. Good thing there were no cars before us otherwise it's the hospital or afterlife for us. Sometimes my Boss' actions are beyond my comprehension.

" that's a yes" I remarked as I tightly clutched on my seat belt.

"Of course , yes.... I was waiting for you to ask me...finally...." he replied happily.

The whole day, my Boss was in a good mood and he would always look up to me with a wide smile on his face and honestly I'm getting creeped out. Don't get wrong I love that he was excited and liked the idea but the more the day comes to an end the more I feel the fear of I don't know what... I think I was just over thinking but then again...

"Hey let's go to the mall, I want to buy something for your parents." Boss told me as we stuffed our things to our bag when our last class was dismissed. All I can do was nod.

He was literally dragging me out..

"Hey lovebirds where are you off to" Bohn asked.

"Maybe to an abandoned supply room for their usual smooching" King commented

Grunt! was all that came from Tee...

Boss just gave them his middle finger as he dragged me away.

At the mall.......

"What would your Mother like? This.....or this" as he compared two scarfs with different printed design.

"You don't really need to buy them things, we can just buy fruits along the way to bring to them..." I said as I tailed from behind, now he is choosing a tie for my father.

He looked at me perflexed..

"You had not seen them for a long time and we are just bringing fruits?!" he looked at me as if I was heartless.

"My mom said, it's not right to come to someone's home empty handed specially if it's my first which one would it be" as he raised two ties in front of my face to choose.

After choosing and had the gifts wrapped, we went home, he dropped me at my dorm and told me that he will pick me up tomorrow at 8 am sharp...he added that he would need to go since he had to pack a few things...this he said in one breath and drove of. I was left scratching my head, I can't tell if he was excited or anxious about meeting my family and masking it with the excitement he was showing now. But I'm happy finally I can tell my parents,and get their blessing.


Exactly 8 am the next day.

"Hon I'm at the parking lot beside your dorm.." Boss called me up.

"Ok...I'm on my way down.." I said as I locked my door and entered the elavator, and pressed the button for groundfloor.

"Hi" he grabbed my bag and placed it in the backseat after he gave a peck on my cheek.
I blushed at the sudden kiss, I'm still not used to his sudden PDA (public display of affection) as I'm used to hiding my feelings, but hell...I loved it.

I slid in the passenger's seat as he went to the driver's seat and started the engine.
"Shall we go.." he turned to me and wink wearing a wide grin on his face.

"Let's go..." I replied with a smile as well...

So this will be something....and I prayed that everything goes well. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Time skip toMek's home

It took us two hours to get to my home, as we drove into our driveway, I can see my mom tending to her plants in our garden. Our house is not that big nor it is small, it is average I guess, enough for 4 people to live in. Although both of my parents have business of their own and earning more than enough for us to live lavishly, but we were raised to value money. My father would always say, "it's hard earned cash, it's from my sweat and blood, so don't waste it with unimportant things" and my mother would always nod in agreement. So back to my mom...

" boy...I missed you so much...I thought you got lost and would never come back... " my mom hugged me as soon as I stepped out of the car and complained with a pout.

I hugged her back and kiss her on her cheek.

"I'm sorry mom, just got so busy..."

"Well good thing you are here, my friend Nina, you know her right...her niece had come back from England and would like to meet you.... and it's tomorrow...what a timing" my mom chatted excitedly. I stopped and pulled Boss to my side, who was grabbing all our stuffs from the backseat, both bags slung to his left and right shoulder.

"Stop, setting up Mek to your friends daughter and nieces Mom...Mek already have someone..." my sister, leaning on the doorway with her arms crossed on her chest shouted with teasing grin.

"Ahemmm...Mom...this is boyfriend..."

My Mom whipped her head to the side to look at me and Boss and me again and Boss again and fainted.

"Oh my God Mom..." we all shouted.


That's all for now my LOVIES😍

Really sorry for the long wait... But I will update soon again.

All the best and take care.

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