Chapter 2

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Reyna stepped out of the hut and re-sheathed her knife. Without even looking at the old hag she walked head held high into the shade of the tall trees. She walked a few more yards to be sure she was completely out of sight from the hag and then she stopped. She leaned against the trunk of one of the giant trees and slid to the ground exhausted.

She pulled out her knife and looked at it. The blade had a thin layer of scarlet blood on it. It was the first time her blade had tasted of human blood. She sighed a layer of regret hidden in the rush of air, as she wiped the blood away. It definitely wouldn't be the last.

She looked up at the sky, it was quickly approaching night and she could already see the crescent moon showing its face behind a few clouds. it looked at her and she looked down at the small crescent moon that she still held in her hand. She had done it. She had finished the testing to become Halvidar. Her old life had finally released its tension and she was ready to start her new life. A solitary life but a better one than she had had before. She looked back up at the moon and sat in thought. It wasn't long though before her exhaustion overcame her and for the first time in years she slept peacefully.

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