Chapter 1

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Once upon a time way past the kingdom, past the enchanted forest, past the territory of the  wicked witch, past the land of the fairies and the toll bridge, there was the land of no magic formally known as the Laboratory repression.  Now it was said that the people who lived in this land where once the most powerful and peaceful people out there. Who offered their land to any mythical creature who need a place to stay. Whether they were banished, on a quest, or just seeking a new home the doors of the Labyrinth's repression where always open. Now I bet you are wonder why the weird name right? Well that's easy to give the name comes from the story of the labyrinth. The people of this world believe the labyrinths repression was the center of the labyrinth created by the surrounding lands the word repression was added because it's the only land a person could find with out the need of a map because the town called out to the wondering travelers and rid them of all sin. Anyway back to the story The land of the labyrinths repression was said to be cursed by the other lands. The rulers of the other lands were at war and demanded that the labyrinths repression picked a side. When the labyrinths repression denied all the people and creatures who lived in side where wiped of all their magic. The people where told to never let another soul step foot into the walls of the labyrinth and to never leave. Now the people where forced to listen they believe that magic wasn't everything that the true magic was love and as long as they had each other they would be fine. It's been 1000 years since that fateful day And ever one is  happy. Well almost almost everyone. See the midwife and the hunter had just lost a child. A child that was their only hope at true happiness. A child that wasn't even a week old. A child that they tried ten years for. They were so heartbroken that they couldn't bare to tell anyone about their misfortune. So day after day well everyone stopped by with gifts and warm meals for the couple they would make up excuses on why guest couldn't see their  baby. And everyday when their guest would leave the hunter would hold his wife as he listened to her cry's in pain. They would pray every night for a god to take pity on the and take their pain away. Luckily Their pain didn't last long. While the hunter was out in the woods behind their house gathering food for the town he heard a cry.At first he thought the gods where being cruel and playing games with his head but then he hear it again a cry but this time one of pain. He fallowed the sound of the crying until he came across a young girl sitting at the base of a tree who was heavily pregnant. When the young girl saw him she tried to get up and run. But the man chased her saying that he wouldn't harm her. The chase didn't last very long before the girl collapsed to the grown as another shot of pain took over her body. A pain at the man was easily able to identify as a contraction. " you're in labor" he told the girl in a calm voice " my wife is a midwife she's delivered every child in this town. She can help you." The girl seemed to calm down at his words. " I can take you to her if you are able to stand " the girl then shook her head at his words for she knew that she was in no condition to walk. " do you want me to bring her here?" He asked getting a nod from the young girl. " okay don't move I'll be right back" he told her as he sprinted back to his home where he knew his wife would be.
Once he reached his house he found his wife rather quickly in the nursery where he found her almost everyday longing to hold her baby once again. "Come with me" he said grabbing her arm " why were are you taking me" she cried out " no time to explain just fallow me and grab your kit in the way out." So without asking anymore questions she grabbed her kit and chased after her husband. They ran to the spot where the hunter left the young girl. Only to find her missing. They couple searched around for the young girl. The wife then heard a cry that she heard all to well. She then directed her husband to a small cave that was near by. Inside they found the young girl. "I'm back" said the hunter " I brought my wife with me so she can help you deliver your baby safely". He said pointing to his wife the girl then nodded showing them that she understood. " Hi my name is Mary Anne and this is my husband Derek. May I please know your name. I want you to relax and pull up your legs I need to check how much you are dilated. It may seem weird but trust me I've seen it all.  You know I should of asked you this sooner but can I have your name?" Mary Anne said to the young girl who took comfort in her almost immediately the girl then shook her head and pointed at her mouth a indication that the young girl was a mute she then signed " do you speak sign language?" Lucky Mary Anne did speak sign language having grown up with a deaf sister. "Yes. I can sign. But at the moment I need my hands to deliver you baby. Can you read my lips at this speed or do I need to slow down my words?" 'You're fine' the young girl signed 'my name is calliope' " well hello Calliope" said Mary Anne smiling at her. Mary Anne then turned her attention to the lips of the cave where Derek was standing " Derek I heed you to gather some wood for a fire and then go down to the creak and fill this bucket with water and set it to boil this baby is almost here so you better move fast" A few minutes had passed before Derek returned and in those minutes Mary Anne had learned a lot about Calliope. For instance Calliope was traveling with her sister when she got lost and meet the father of her child. The father of her child then got fatally injured as he was fighting to protect her and her sister. Her sister then fell ill. She then spent a month in the forest looking for an exit. She had spent the last two months by her self lost in these woods. Which was understandable. They are not allowed out and no one is allowed in. When they stripped the people of their magic all those years ago the forest around us created a wall like barrier that didn't let no one in and no one out. The village elders believed that the outside world believes us to be a myth. Now that She had time to think about it Calliope shouldn't have been able to find her way in. All Mary Anne knows right now is that this poor girl is in labor all alone in a foreign place.
"Alright Calliope your baby is crowning and I'm going to need you to wait until your next contraction to give me a big push alright" Calliope then nodded to show that she understood. "Derek are you almost done out there" Mary Anne asked looking towards the lips of the cave. " yeah, yeah, women I'm here." Derek replied stopping in with a bucket of boiled water " good now place those rags in the water and sit behind calliope. I know men aren't supposed to be in the delivery room but right now calliope has no support other than us so we are going to do the best of our abilities. Calliope is it alright for Derek to sit behind you? He's gonna be behind you so you can collapse on a soft setting he is also gonna offer you his hand to squeeze if the pain becomes to much" with a nod from calliope Derek took his place and with in the next hour a beautiful baby girl was born.
"Calliope we are going to carry you into our house it where you and your baby can rest up" signed Mary Anne " Derek will carry you and I will hold your baby don't worry we are going to take care of you until you get on your feet."
Once they got to their house Derek had laid Calliope in the guest room while Mary Anne got the baby cleaned up and dressed.
" calliope I hope you don't mind but I dressed and cleaned the baby for you" said Mary Anne as she entered the room " Derek left to gather some food from town but will be back shortly. I was wondering what you are going to name the baby if you don't mind me asking?"
The baby shall be named Calypso Rose after my mother and sister. Calliope signed
" how beautiful. I had a baby resentful she didn't make it she was born with anolepsy."
I'm sorry. That must have been hard for you to deal with. Do you think your going to try again for another one?
" no she was my seventh try I had multiple problems with child birth I don't think that I will ever have a child make it over a day" Mary Anne sighed will looking at her hands
Mary Anne this may seem weird but will you care for my baby? I don't think I will be able to. Signed Calliope.
" of course why would you ask that?!?"
Please don't turn me in but I'm a nymph and I don't have much time to live. There where people who where after me and my family. I managed to get away but the rest of my family couldn't. They are bound to find me soon. I don't want to put my baby at risk. So I was wondering if you would take her in for me I will leave tomorrow before sun rise. If I manage to live I will come back every other month to check up on her and give you supplies I can find to make raise her more easier. I won't take her from you so you don't have to worry about that. There is a small amount of magic that is transferred between mother and child within nymphs but seeing how this town was stripped of magic a long time ago I can pass on a small portion of my magic to you to keep Calypso from falling seriously ill. I hope that I can see her grow up to be a beautiful young lady but I know deep down that will be close to impossible. So please keep her safe for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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