A Wonderful Christmas Time

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"Hey, shithead, get in here!" you feel your friend pulling you into an abandoned building. Everyone's already settled in, sitting around a dead pine tree. The majority of these lovable assholes were lighting cigarettes and blunts as well as candles for the tree.

Tonight was the night your friends decided to have their own Christmas together because strangely enough, no ones parents actually gave a fuck about them. But in all honesty, you couldn't help but feel more at home.

As your two friendly neighborhood klepto-maniacs came into the building with a big rusty ladder, you watch as they almost decapitate everyone in their way. A couple of people keep the ladder steady as the shortest kid climbs up, being handed candles and miraculously tying them to the tree.

You watch in horror and pray to whatever god will hear you that the ladder doesn't collapse and take down the five kids with it. Then, your favorite douche-bag comes back to bother you with drinks. He already looks way too tipsy to be walking a straight line.

"I seriously haven't a clue how anything in this shit-hole is in tact. Including all these dumbasses.." they pause to take a sip of their drink, wincing at the taste.

"I mean look at 'em all; blasting music, drinking themselves silly, smoking up a hotbox.." he pauses, taking a gulp of the toxic waste he was holding.

"I mean, quite frankly its beautiful but i fear for some of their futures you know?" they shake their head theatrically, trying to make you laugh at least a little. They give up eventually and finish off the literal oil there were ingesting.

They offer you the second cup and you refuse without word. "Good choice to be honest, whatever this is, it tastes like shit." they stare into your designated cup and down the whole thing unexpectedly. You glare at them with a disgusted look on your face.

"That's gross man, you didn't even know what was in that." you snicker at him, grabbing the cup from them and gazing into it with hesitation. The smell was horrifying and you didn't have the heart to spill it on the already abused concrete.

"Does it look like i give a shit if that weirds you out? Don't fuckin' look at me like that you brat. Its rude." They scowl at you, secretly proud they finally made you laugh. You punch them playfully hard. Nothing but an amused chuckle escapes him as he stands up from the wall.

"Merry Christmas kid, try not to break anything, you know that's my job." they say, running off to go hit whatever drug they could find.

As you look around at the group of delinquents you'd gladly call family, you notice the tree has been set ablaze. You panic, grabbing the closest drink and throwing it on the flames. Obviously you didn't think that alcohol would be in that cup but here we are and the problem's gotten worse.

You can already hear the police sirens over the loud ass music and you scream for everyone to start running. "FIRE! FIRE! GO GO GO!"

"You heard the rat, 'go go go!'" your friend pipes up, already giggling their head off. Everyone starts running down the frosted road, laughing their heads off and glancing back at the pigs slipping over the black tar pieces.

Your friend grabs an empty Hennessy bottle from one of the poor souls running with you as he yells, "Merry Christmas, you sons of bitches!" proceeding to throw the bottle at the policemen's feet. As you glance around at your friends, some are about to shit their pants and others are just laughing hysterically. This New Year's gonna be a good one, you can feel it.
@hippie.baby on tiktok:
(side-note; its currently 2:15 AM so this writing prolly sucks ass,, ill work on it tmrw tho, i promise.)
(edit: and yes, ik its fkn halloween)

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