The two shake hands.


Phoebe:This is El-

Frank:"Blushing".Elizabeth Monroe!.

Elizabeth:"Smiles".Nice to meet you.

I shake his hand.

Phoebe:This is Monica.


They shake hands.

Phoebe:And this is Rachel.


They shake hands.


Phoebe:I’m gonna get coffee."Goes to get coffee".

Frank:Hey how do you guys get anything done?.

Chandler:We don’t really.

Rachel:Well so now do you guys have a lot of big plans?.

Phoebe:Oh yeah!.Yeah no we’re gonna connect y'know bond and everything.

Frank:Yeah I was thinking that maybe we could go down to Time Square and pick up some ninja stars.And oh um my friend Larry he wants me to take a picture of a hooker.

Chandler:You know we don’t really take advantage of living in the city.

Joey:I know.


-October 19th 1996-

   At Chandler and Joey’s we are all helping to lift the entertainment center Joey built into place.My arms begin to ache.

Chandler:Okay on three.One....Two....

Joey:Why don’t we just go on two.

Chandler:Why two?.

Joey:Because it’s faster.

Chandler:Yeah I coulda counted to three like four times without all this two talk.


Joey:All right but in the future...


Rachel:Come on!.

   My arms begin to ache to the point they almost give out.

Elizabeth:Heavy thing not getting lighter!.

Chandler:Okay one...two...

Joey:So we are going on two?.

Everyone:All right!.

   We lift it into place although there is one small problem the unit is so long that it blocks some of both of their bedroom doors.

Chandler:Oh good job Joe.

Joey:Wow it’s big!.

Chandler:Yeah,yeah so big that it actually makes our doors look smaller!.

Joey:Maybe my ruler’s wrong.

Phoebe:Maybe all the rulers are wrong.

Joey:Look it’s not that bad.So what it blocks a little of your door,a little of my door.

Chandler:Yeah y'know what I got a better idea.How,how bout it blocks none of mine door and a lot of yours?.(Trys to push and move it".

Joey:Yeah listen before I forget that side is still wet.


November 8th 1996-

   At Central Perk Me,Chandler,Monica and Phoebe are yelling at Joey.

Elizabeth:You told him to play the boxer gay!.

Joey:Well I-I might’ve said supergay.

Chandler:You totally screwed him over.

Monica:Joey you’re this guy’s teacher.I mean how could you do this?.

Joey;Because Monica the guy’s so good and I really,really want this part.

Phoebe:Well if you really,really want it then it’s okay.

-November 12th 1996-

   At Mattress King Me and Monica are trying to return her bed along with Joey.

Jester:Uh may I help you?.

Monica:Yeah I talked to you on the phone I’m the lady that got stuck with the racecar bed.

Jester:Look it’s like I told you there’s nothing I can do.You signed for it Monica Velula Geller.

Joey:All right Jester man look we wanna see the king.

Jester:Nobody sees the king!.

Joey:Oh-ho-kay I’m talking to the king.

Me and Joey start to go to a back room.

Jester:Hey!.You can’t go back there!.

   Me and Joey go to the door but we stop and look through the window at Janice and the Mattress King her ex-husband kissing.

Janice:Oh my God.

   Me and Joey gasp and look at eachother and then back to Janice...Soon Me,Joey and Monica enter Central Perk.

Joey:Hey is,is,is Chandler here?.

Ross:"Patting his clothes like he is looking for his wallet".No,no he’s not.

Monica:You guys Elizabeth and Joey just saw Janice kissing her ex-husband.

Ross:What?."To Joey".So what are you going to do?.I mean how,how are you going to tell Chandler?.

Joey:Well I was thinking about that and I-I think the best way would be to not.

Rachel:Joey you can’t keep this to yourself if you know about this you have to tell him.

Joey:It’ll kill him.I mean it’ll,it’ll just kill him.

Phoebe:Well you could wait til I go to the dentist maybe I’ll kill him.

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