???:I'm Gail.

Chandler:Chandler."Waves his arm around exposing the bracelet".

Gail:I-I really have to be somewhere but it was nice meeting you."Leaves".

Chandler:What?."Realizes it was the bracelet".Oh this is excellent.You know he coulda gotten me a VCR,he coulda gotten me a set of golf clubs but no he has to get me the woman repeller,the eyesore from the Liberace house of crap.

Elizabeth:It's not that bad.

Chandler:Oh yeah easy for you to say you don't have to walk around-

   Joey walks into Central Perk hearing Chandler speak.

Chandler:Sporting some reject from the Mr.T collection.

Joey walks up behind Chandler.


Chandler:I pity the fool who puts on my jewelry.I do,I do.I pity the fool that..."Turns around and sees Joey".Hi.Hey man we were just doing some uh impressions over here. Do your Marcel Marceau.

   Joey turns around and walks out without saying anything.

Chandler:That's actually good.


   Later that day Me,Chandler and Phoebe enter Central Perk and Chandler hangs up his jacket.

Chandler:I can't believe it.

Phoebe:"Taking of her jacket".Would you stop already?.Get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay.

Chandler:Oh you're right I-I should play in the hay.Forget about the fact that I just dropped 400 dollars to replace a bracelet that I hated to begin with.Bring on the hay."Sits down at the bar".

   Rachel comes up from behind the bar and startles Chandler and makes me bite my lip to hold a laugh.

Rachel:Hey.I've got something that's gonna make you happy.Guess what Gunther found?."Holds up Chandler's bracelet".

Phoebe:Hey now you have two.

Chandler looks annoyed.

Phoebe:Oh now you have two.

Chandler:What am I gonna do huh?.

Joey walks in behind Chandler.


Chandler:Hey."Turns around".

Joey:How come you have two?.

Chandler:Well this one's for you.

Joey:Get out."Takes off his jacket".

Chandler:No I can't.No,no listen I-I know how much this means to you and I also know that this is about more than just jewelry."Puts bracelet on Joey".It's about you and me and the fact that we're."Reading bracelet".Best buds.

Joey:Wow is this friendship?.I think so. Check it out we're bracelet buddies.

Chandler:That's what they'll call us.

   I smile at the two of them along with Phoebe and Rachel.


   We are all at Monica and Rachel's apartment.Monica and Ross are standing in the kitchen Ross is filling out a check.

Ross:Here you go."Hands her the check".You can pay me back whenever you like.

Monica:You have dinosaur checks?.

Ross:Yeah,yeah I mean you get your money and you learn a little something what's wrong with that?.

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