Chapter 1: The Devils Fruit

Start from the beginning

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 "Wow.... that was a load of work." I told Hanaka.

"Should we tell someone?" Hanaka suggested.

"Nope, people won't find out when a few pirates go missing. They're nothing but a burden on this world." I stared at my hand, which had that mans' blood. "I'd better go clean this off" I thought.

So I went to the beach and washed it off. I recognized some strange plant. It looked like an apple which was colored white, with stripes. My name is stripes, so let me go check it. The closer I got, the more it looked like a giant Venus fly traps. I have a giant fear of those. So in order to not get eaten by a Venus flytrap I grabbed it jumped a few meters away from when I got it then bit a piece of it. It tasted good. I then decided to eat it whole. It was a pretty good snack. Suddenly, I felt all weird and passed out.


"H-hello?" I asked curiously, due to my eyesight being jammed.

"Hello, it's good that you've awoken. I found on a beach filled with bones and the water all around the beach was red. You killed the entire town!" A weird man said getting up from a chair.

"What type of joke is that?" I asked.

"The one where it's a reality!" He said flicking my head.

"So who are you?" I asked him, as he showed his face I saw many, many scars on his face.

"I am Scar. I named my self of"

"Uh.... cool?" I was beginning to think it was a dream.

"My name is Scar?" I would start saying stuff about his name, but then again, my name is Stripes, no reason to make fun of his name.

"Wait where is Hanaka?" I asked.

"He's most likely dead. You sunk your own island. I saved you life, before drowning. You were pretty strong back there. So tell me, what did you have against that island." He wondered.

"I found a fruit, ate it, then I passed out. That's all I remember." I said.

"Oh, well first I need to explain what are those fruits. Those fruits are highly powered fruits that give a human, superhuman powers. The next thing I need to explain is the categories. In the fruits there are three categories, first and what everyone seems to think is the strongest, Logia. It gives the person the power of an element. Which means if I have a wind typed Logia fruit, then I would be wind, and people would miss attacks. Although when I want to I can turn back to normal. The second strongest and the type that you and I have are called Zoan fruits. The Zoan fruits are normally considered the weakest, but- I'll get to that later. So, you were given thr power of a tiger, a white tiger to be precise. So you have a rare-Zoan fruit. I have a mystical-Zoan fruit. There are many levels. The last and counted type is Paramadecia. This power varies, someone could get the power to fly from this fruit, or the power to send sound waves from they're hands and such. All I had to say had been said." He lectured.

"Truthfully, I almost slept hearing that" I yawned.


(Authors Note: I almost slept writing it) 


"Do you understand now?" He asked.

"Um.... yes?" I replied.

"Good!" He said turning back into a human.

"So, how do I control it?" I scratch my head.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Seven." I replied.

"How is a seven year old going to control a devils fruit?" He laughed.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"If I were you, I would never lose a fight, because, when your unconscious it takes control of you." He said in a spooky voice.

"Cool- Wait? What about sleep?" He asked.

"No, when your sleeping, your at ease. It only happens when your awake then you suddenly faint or pass out. The devils fruit thinks it needs to protect you, so it uses your unconscious body to protect you. Unfortunately, it made a mistake and killed you island." He scratched his head.

"So, I will never lose a fight." I shouted.

"Problem. Bounty. You. Now." He tried to act funny.

"I have a bounty?! Cool!" I said in awe. "Wait, if I have a bounty, I will never become a marine!" I shrieked "NO!!!!!!!!"

"Just become a pirate!" He smirked.

"Never!" I shouted.


And so, no matter how annoying life was. Or how much I hated pirates. One thing led to another then I became a pirate. In order to destroy ONE PIECE!

 So, this story is ended. How about we start chapter two?

Tune in next time on One Piece: The White Tiger  

and also check out one of my other story; The World Tower for more adventures!

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