Ripple and Burns, Character Sheets

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A glimpse into one of my mindscapes: Ripple is a quiet dragon who studies with her community to one day replace their head healer

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A glimpse into one of my mindscapes:
Ripple is a quiet dragon who studies with her community to one day replace their head healer. One day is much like the next until one evening as the sun touches the ocean a creature emerges made of water brining destruction in its wake. It's true form is never seen known only as the drowned spirit. Desperate for help the shore dragons seek aid from other communities. After several months of nightly terror and many dead warriors sent to face the spirit in the depths, a stranger arrives. Burns is the first fire dragon the community has ever seen but even they know something is wrong with her. Instead of bright orange scales she is cloaked in a color as dark as soot. Ripple is sent to prepare her for the coming battle learning of her power. Burns goes to face the spirit, and discoverers the truth behind the attacks. She returns but quickly leaves having stared in the face of her future. Ripple follows, finally finding her purpose with the troubled dragon.
And that's what I Hope to use as a starting point in the future. I want to start drawing comics and I needed something to reference their designs from. Wether or not I use these designs is still up in the air. Just needed to start with getting something on paper.
Ripple was easy if a little tedious with all the details to add in while Burns while simple was a nightmare to shade. Why is black so complicated. I used a base color of dark brown then shaded with dark blue and highlights with a dark red and added a layer of black overtop then blended with white because my wax pencil is still in state collage. Because white is not the best blending tool I had to go back over it with black again and dig into the corners to make sure the edges stand out. As much as my hand hurts I would do it again for that smooth color change. Overall I like how the two of them turned out.
Thanks for reading,

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