I said leave

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Billies POV:
I don't know if I should wake Y/n up yet. But it's 10:28 in the morning so maybe I should wake her up. Idk.

I go to her room and open her door.

"Babyyy.. you awake?" I ask quietly
She doesn't answer so i come in.
She looks so calm sleeping.

I look around her room and find her phone. Huh I little check won't hurt..right?
I mean.. it is her private stuff but idk

I take her phone and turn it on, I know her password so I just unlock it quick and go to her messages.

He has her named "cutie"? Pfft weirdo.
He's a sweet boy but my baby is only 13.. I wanna know what they did yesterday!

"Baby wake up" I say softly while shaking y/n a bit
*She groans*

"Come on tell me every detail about yesterday!!" I say excitedly

"What do you meannnn?" She says while sitting up and yawning.

"You and Christopherrrr" i say

"Ohh" she giggles

"We watched Peter Pan, my favorite movie and then I was starring at him and he caught me looking at him and we ended up pillow fighting and then I fell on top of him on the floor and then we were starring at each other for like a minute then we decided to get up and eat Cheetos" she says all in one breathe while blushing.

"You fell on top of him?" I ask

"Yea" she says

"You like him dont you?" I ask smirking

"WHAT NOO I DONT MOM I DONT NOO - i do." She says


"Damn it"

We laugh

"Hey" I say getting her attention

"Yeah?" She answers

"Tell me your story" I say smiling

"Ok well...my dad left me in the adoption center when I was 3, because I was a girl and they wanted a boy.."

"What?!" I say shocked

"Yeah, uh..my dad visited me once every year at the adoption center, but he didint wanna see me ,he HAD TO come see me.... my mom died when she gave birth to me but anyways. then that same day they left me..cole's parents left him. And then we had to sleep in the same bunk bed so that's how became bestfriends." She explains

I nod in response.
Later that day.
I get a call from an unknown number and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say

"Hey Billie, This is the Adoption Center where you adopted......y/n?" Right?" The lady says through the phone.

"Right" i respond..what do they want now.

"So every year y/n's dad comes to visit y/n so now that she's adopted y/n's dad has to see her! So would it be okay if you give us your address??" They ask

Wtf...what am I supposed to say

"Okay give me a second" I say nicely

"Okay" the lady answers

I go to y/n's room quickly. I mute the call.

"Y/n" i call her rushed

"Yes?" She asks

"Your dad wants to see you and he needs to come here" I say Worried

"Ugh really?" She asks

"Yes baby" I tell her

Adopted by Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now