Chapter 2 Masked

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My Fiance come out the back room and rubbed my shouldered and said "Skye, hon what's wrong?" i picked my head up and said "It's nothing i'm fine, Nick" He kissed my cheek and walked out to our room to get dressed and I got up from the Table and Scribbled the words It's happening again in my Journal.


We went to Nicks Aunts house to drop  River off and Nick kissed me and said "Where you wanna go babe, todays all about you" I Smiled the Bigest smile ever "I wanna go to an amusment park or to the mall or a movie" Then he said "We can do all of that if it means i can spend every secound with you" I smiled and thought what would i do with out him.


When we got to the Amusment park There was a a man in a mask that kept staring at me We got on the Fairis wheel and he followed us up on the cart behind us. Nick didn't notice he was there he thought nothing of her he'd turn to me every once in a while and say "Hey...babe..don't worry about him he's probably just enjoying the ride. Which is exactly what you sould be doing" I'd look at him and roll my eyes and stop worrying for a while and the last time i looked back he was gone. vanished like he was never there we got off the ferris Wheel and we walked to the cotton candy cart and he got us a huge cotton candy cone to share and i saw the man in the mask again it seemed everytime i saw him he was getting closer like he was planning something. we fineshed the cotton candy and we got on a rollor coster and the masked man sat right next to me and looked at me and Nick just went dark and it was like there was nobody there but me and the masked man and he said to me " I'll et your baby if it the last thing i do" then with a blink of an eye he was gone the rolor coster had started and i was crying Nick turned to me and asked if i was ok I didnt answer i was stunded and just wanted to go home that's when i saw the mask man aain at the bottom of the coster he had my baby.

Masked ManWhere stories live. Discover now