"C'mon Thals!" Nico laughed. "Don't deny it, you know it's true." The girl raised her arms looking murderous.

"Thalia!" The youngest girl said sharply, "Not here!" Before adding quietly, "I'll assist in his destruction later."

Thalia sighed and nodded, but not before yanking her wand out of her jeans and wordlessly flicking it at Nico, who's hair stood up as if he'd stuck his fingers in a light socket. Them, she left him with one last warning. "I have no feelings for Luke!" She growled. "Don't ever say that again! Or else the hunters and I will kick your smug little death-y ass."

And with that she stormed off the other three following close behind her. With Nico muttering something about Jackalopes.

"Well that was odd!" Hermione observed. "I wonder who Luke is? And why she called that young girl 'my lady'? And why that boy didn't even help the other boy when he was clearly being jinxed by the girl, he just stood there smirking! Also, that show of wandless magic was far above bed grade level!" She prattled on and on, with her two best friends nodding every time she paused for breath.

When she finally stopped, Harry and Ron exchanged a relieved look before Harry smiled fondly at his clever friend.

"Um yeah," Ron added. "Everything you just said."

"I liked that Thalia girls hair," Was Tonk's comment on the matter. "Now c'mon we should go back to the others."

Percy Jackson was grateful he had had the sense to keep his mouth shut during his cousin's little spat from before. They were on Olympus, and Nico was currently scurrying around his ankles, in the form of a furry rabbit with antlers.

Thankfully, Hecate had blessed the demigods prior to Artemis changing him, and the only thing he was missing was an extremely important summary of wizarding history from the gods, which he wouldn't have listened to anyway. And anyway, it was just the basics. I.e. Voldemort, Hogwarts, Dumbledore, etc.

Tomorrow, the Greek children on the big three would be flown to Kings Cross Station by Apollo on his sun chariot (which Thalia would not be driving). The three were confident that they knew everything they needed to succeed; well, Nico wasn't, he was currently a jackalope. And Percy was worried he would slip up (correction: he knew he would slip up, it was only a matter of when).

So really, Thalia was the only one ready. But, then again, when had any of their adventure been different. Nico got turned into a jackalope, or corn, or a dandelion, Thalia went in with confidence, which waned throughout her journey, and Percy was confused, but ended up pulling off some ridiculous, on the spot, plan.

Everything was as it should be.

"Are you sure you don't want to drive?" Apollo asked his half-sister for about the thousandth time that hour, opening the door to his chariot, currently in the form of a silver Porsche.

"Nope!" Was her quick reply as she slid into the front seat, "Don't want to take any chances burning half of the U.K."

"Oh come on!" Percy whined. "I called shotgun." He pouted and looked at her with big doe eyes.

"You wanna drive PJ?" Apollo offered immediately, falling for the look at once, jingling the keys.

"Yeah!" The son of Poseidon perked up.

"NO!" His two cousins interjected, both spouting various reasons why it was a bad idea. He resumed his pout, before lunging forward, and yanking Thalia (who'd neglected to fasten her seatbelt) out of the front seat and jumping into it in one fluid motion.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now