"My hands hurt from shooting the guns. Can you play?" He whined not even two minutes into his piano lesson.

I smiled and nudged him along the bench so I could reach the high keys too. I think for a moment wondering what to play before I start playing Sweet Child O' Mine. Alex smiles wide but I catch it falter a bit, the curse of memories. I stop playing that and change to an A7X song. I didn't start listening to them until after he was gone,

"I like this one. What is it?" Alex asked towards the end.

"Avenged Sevenfold, So Far Away." Nestor answered from the doorway making me smile.

I hadn't noticed him come in but he looked content just watching and listening. I felt so lucky to have him, he had taken to being a male role model to Alex like a duck to water. He took Alex with him when he went into town and played with him when I was working. It all just made me love him even more. Alex hadn't asked anything about his father or my relationship with Nestor but he was a smart kid, I'm sure he knew how everything stood between us.

"Right, bedtime my little prince. Maria is picking you up early in the morning." I told him and he gave Nestor a hug goodnight.

I could see the surprise on Nestor but he quickly returned the gesture and said goodnight. I walked him up to his room that we had set up with his favourite characters and pictures to make him feel at home. I turned on the Spider-Man lamp and kissed him goodnight before humming the tune to River Flows In You. He was fast asleep before I even finished.

"I love you, Alexander, I'm so happy you are home." I said quietly as I shut the door behind me and felt my phone vibrate.

Sakura: Those new protocols you asked for are all set. Information on the security company are on your tablet but I hit firewalls. Want me to break them?
Me: Carte blanche sweetie, just give me a heads up if I need to get you hidden.
Sakura: Bitch, must have had too much tequila, I don't get caught.
Me: How did we meet again?
Sakura: READ

I laughed when I saw she wasn't going to reply. I could never get angry at her, it was like trying to growl a kitten, she was just too cute. She was also the greatest employee I had, she had programmed new safety protocols into my phone for Alex, Nestor and the rest of my family in less than a week.

I stopped by my office and grabbed my tablet before joining Nestor on the couch. He handed me a tumbler of whiskey over ice before resting his arm across my shoulder. I tucked my legs up and snuggled further into him and watched as he flicked through the suggested Netflix shows. He settled on Peaky Blinders and I decided work could wait. I locked the tablet and tossed it onto the other couch. We deserve one night without an interruption. The episode had barely began when I felt Nestor's other hand slip under the mohair throw blanket and up my shirt.

"You chose this and now you aren't even watching it." I said as I looked at him sideways.

"I've seen this episode so don't mind me." He said as he slid off the couch and ducked under the blanket.

I felt him grab the waistband of my leggings and I lifted up so he could pull them down. He pulled me to the edge of the couch, spread my legs and had me panting in anticipation. His facial hair tickled my thighs and his hot breath sent fire across my skin. His fingers gently spread my folds and I felt his tongue tease me along my entrance before he nipped my clit. A loud moan escaped my mouth and I felt his chuckle vibrate my clit making me purr.


My phone and tablet both started blaring the alarm at the same time and I jumped up to grab them off the other couch. I nearly knocked Nestor over but he was already up and on alert from the loud warnings.

"Fuck!" I cursed loudly as I saw what had been set off. I rang the phone number as fast as I could and she answered on the first ring. "Sakura get out of there! Takeshi will get you to the airport and you had better be on the first flight here. You hear me?" It was the first time I had ever raised my voice to her and it took a moment for her to recover and answer me.

"I just had to get the back up drives and wipe the system first." She said as she clattered around and I heard her greet Takeshi. "I did it. I found her."

I froze at the news, I couldn't believe it. "Where is she? You're sure it's her?"

"Yes, I got into the live feed, it's a black site in that building in San Diego. I'll be there in 12 hours with all the information." She hung up.

I quickly calmed Nestor who was standing ready for an enemy to attack us. "Sakura found Luisa but looks like she was compromised. She's on her way here now."

He instantly relaxed knowing we weren't in immediate danger. He shifted his pants that were still tented and I quickly made a final call so we could get back to where we were.

"Cole, I need 20 men on standby for tomorrow. Same deal and I'll pay whether they are used or not."

I took a long breath, we would be busy tomorrow but it was still early in the evening. There wasn't a lot left to be done until Sakura arrived. I grabbed Nestor's belt and hooked my finger on it pulling it and him towards me.

"Now, where were we?"

Thick As Blood - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now