So this is your band?

409 22 17
  • Dedicated to Madelyn Meyers

    Im 23 now and I have my own place now, my own life. I live in New York  . Where dreams are supposed to come true. I want to be a professional songwriter but you know, not every one has their dreams come true. So guess what, I work as a makeup artist. Talk about bummer!!

     Right now I'm heading to work. Uhggg. My friends Caleb and Anna live right next to me and plus they work with Mr. That's when I heard a noise and I automatically knew what it was because Caleb and Anna know how to get into my house. Don't ask me how I know.

   "Sky, wake up. You're going to be late for work..... Again!!!" A girly voice said so it had to be Anna.

   I just flipped my covers over my face and ignored her.

    "Fine. You want to play like that" Anna said. Then I heard her walking to my bathroom. Then I heard water running.

   "Noooo!!" I screamed " don't pour that water on me."

   "I wasn't" then she began to drink the water " I was drinking the water to wet my throat to do this" she paused and started screaming.

   "OK OK OK !!!! I will get up. Just please Shut up" I pleaded.


   I got up to go to my closet to get some cloths when......

   "Oh we already have stuff picked out for you" I looked only to see Caleb holding my cloths. A pair of blue jeans, a white lace shirt, silver hoops, and a pair of white wedges.

   " OK , how do you two get in here and since when do you pick out my cloths?" I asked grabbing my cloths from Caleb.

  They just shrugged their shoulders and walked out of my room.

   " see you at work" Anna yelled before I heard the door slam.

    I just shrugged and got my cloths on. Caleb was pretty good at picking out nice cloths for you. This was a nice outfit.

    I headed downstairs for some breakfast. I opened my fridge and I saw nothing, I started to panick, I opened my cabinets, nothing, I opened everything,nothing. I was having  a heart attack right then and there.

   " NOO FOOOOD!!!!" I panicked.

I guess I will be grocery shopping today. I have a few dollars to spend on food.

   I got the keys to my car and headed out. I cranked up the car. My dad gave me his car last year for my birthday. Beast right. I was going around in a red mustang lime a boss. It made me happy every time I  thought about it.

    Every time I was in it I thought about my old best friend, Luke. I missed him and thought about what he was doing and how his life was, often. I wonder if he missed me too.

    I patted the seat where he used to sit. I sighed, then cranked up the car and drove out. I drive a lot better now by the way. I turned on the radio and out of every song in the world this song came on. I sang with it too.

   ' TONIGHT WE ARE YOUNG.....' I changed the station because that song made me think of him too much.

" Here in on fmn radio. We have so many new songs released .Let's start with 'She Looks So Perfect' from our Australian boy band 5sos!!!" The radio announced before the song started.

" heyaaaehhehh heyaaehhehh, simmer down simmer diwn ......" They were good. " oh she looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear, I know know now that I am down  your lipstick stain is a work of art I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart. "

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