Run Little Lamb, Run

Start from the beginning

I ran out of the house and back into the night air, everything feeling so much colder now than it did only a minute ago. I sprinted down the asphalt street, ignoring the pain on my feet as I ran back to the farmhouse.

Everything was a blur, my heart was pounding so loudly in my ears that I could not tell if Jack was right behind me or not. I was running so fast that it was almost no time at all before I was on the street leading to the farm.

" ELLIOT!!!!! WILLY!!!!" I screamed into the night, hoping they would hear me as I ran closer and closer. I skidded to a stop though when another figure stepped onto the road in front of me. Sharp rocks jabbing into the soles of my feet as I did.


" You Bastard!! They were good people!!" I shouted at him. He was in his long tan trenchcoat with the fedora. He did not say anything for a long minute.

" It was not us." Was all he said, though he said it so quietly I almost did not hear it. " You left me." Was what he said next.

" Joshua, You kidnapped me, chained me to a post, and assaulted me. Then your brother was going to kill me. Do you really think I had a choice?" I hissed out at him. Barely able to contain my anger.

" I thought you loved me." He whispered again.

" I was never in love with you Joshua, I did love you once, but I was never IN love with you. You destroyed our friendship." I seethed at him. His eyes snapped up to me and there was nothing but fury in them.

" YOU LEFT ME!!" He shouted at me and I jumped a little in response. There was no reasoning with him anymore. He was on Jack's side now, and one of them was going to kill me.

"Nowhere to run little pig." Jack hissed behind me and I jumped forward, looking down at the knife he was twirling in his hand. I was trapped.

The only way left to go now was the field, though I was blocked from the farmhouse. I sprinted into the field, the long grass parting through me as I did and I heard the twins hot on my heels.

I ran as fast as I could, my fear helping me run faster, though it was hard to breathe. At the other end of the field was a meat plant with some of its lights still on.

I jumped over the cattle railing and speed crawled through the pathway until I entered the inside. The twins were too big to go through the railing after me, if they wanted to go after me they would need to find another way in.

None of the machines were on so I was in no danger of getting caught in anything, though I still slipped out of the cattle line when I was clear. If there were lights on then someone must still be here, the twins knew I was in here anyway.

" Help!! Anyone!!" I shouted into the dim building. No response, either someone forgot to close up all the way, they were asleep, or they were too far away to be heard.

No matter what though I had to get out of here now. I started to run through the building, trying to keep my footsteps as quiet as possible.

I jumped through when suddenly all the lights turned on and all the machines started moving and doing their thing. I started running a bit faster down the corner, screaming when I ran into someone. I was not going down without a fight though! I banged on them with my fists until their voice sounded in my ears.

" Y/N! for the love of god it's us!" Willy said and I stopped hitting him. I started sobbing as I threw myself into his arms and cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back reassuringly, whispering softly to me to help calm me down. They heard me screaming for help and came.

I was pulled out of his arms by Elliot, but I gladly accepted his hold too. I was wrapped in his strong embrace, and it made me feel as though nothing in the entire world could ever get to me now.

" They're dead!! They're dead my family is dead!!" I cried into Elliot, who rested his mouth on the top of my head as he held me into his soft belly. Willy stroked my back.

" Y/N we are going to get you out of here. They will pay for what they have done but they will already be in the building right now we need to leave." Willy reasoned and after a couple more sniffles I nodded.

The three of us started down the hallway where they came from. We were heading for the door they came from but we heard heavy footsteps coming from that way, and quickly turned a different direction.

The room we entered was loud. The entire room was just a ramp from one door to the next with a giant meatgrinder underneath us.

We quickly made our way to the other side, but the door handle would not move, it was locked. Willy moved to the side so Elliot could try to knock it down, all the while I kept glancing at the door behind us.

My fears became true when the door behind us slammed open, and the twins barged in after us. We stared at them and they stared at us. Nobody moved for a long while as we glared at each other over the loud sound of the grinder underneath us.

" Boys, I suggest you turn around and leave. This does not need to result in violence. Leave us alone and we will leave you alone, that's all in needs to come down to." Willy tried to reason with them, but Jack only laughed. Throwing his head back and cackling.

" No, it will be a joy to kill all of you right here right now. Three more pests that are out of our way forever." As he finished his sentence Joshua pulled out a sawed-off shotgun from underneath his trenchcoat. He pointed it at us, I wanted to try and reason with him too, but I knew that he would not listen to me. I hear Elliot growl at them threateningly at my side as Willy spoke up again.

" Joshua, we have been through some shit together. Do you really want to do this?" Willy asked, putting his hands up slowly to show he was trying to not be threatening. Joshua was quiet for a long minute as he kept looking from Willy to me. Eventually, he was just looking at me, though his gun was aimed at Willy.

I held his brown stare with my E/C and I could practically see him melt. His legs were shaking slightly, and so was his arms as he closed his eyes.

" No... but I have to." He said, with his voice being as fragile as his stance right now.

" Joshua my boy. No, you don't. I know life has not been fair to any of us. But it's time to let go. If we keep this hate in our hearts then we are no better than savage animals. Let it go my boy, its time to start a new life." Willy said in a voice full of fatherly love. The gun in his hands shook even more before he finally lowered it, along with his head. Tears streaming down his face.

" Ok." was all he said. A tear slid down my cheek as I watched his anger dissolve until he was little more than a lost puppy looking for guidance. Through this, I was able to see the Joshua that I became friends with.

" Oh for the love of Fuck." Jack snarled from next to him. Snatching the shotgun from his brother's hands and aiming it at us again. Joshua tried to grab it from his brother, shouting for him to stop but it was too late, the shot was fired.

I felt warm blood splatter all over me, but I felt no pain. My body jumped as shock flooded my senses, but I was not hit. But the gun was aimed at me though...

Beside me, the Giant whimpered as blood gushed from his open wound, and went down.

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