"Baby, morning kiss first. Then we can have breakfast."

The bigger man pouts and tries to chase the luscious lips once more only for the two to end up wrestling and tickling on the bed. Fluke's morning hair becomes messier and Ohm's smiles become bigger as the two enjoy themselves in each other's presence.

"Stop, stop~ I don't have any more energy!"

The two heavily breathe in the oxygen, eyes staring straight into one another drinking in every detail that accentuate their beauty. Fluke's arms that wrap around Ohm's neck bring him close for a tender kiss, earning a small smirk from the wolf.

Ohm must admit, he loves his new marriage life with his soulmate, bunbun, Fluke.


"Our date is still up, tonight? I miss our night ride. All we do lately is being a responsible adult. Eww."

Fluke complaints with frowns embedded on his forehead to show his distaste. Ohm hums in agreement. They married at a young age where most of their friends are still trying to find their purpose of life or a step into a career, they already have everything settled down especially for their lifetime partner.

Ohm tightens his hold, squeezing him to show his adoration over the small one. Fluke gasps for air dramatically and tries to loosen the hold that is crushing him much to his dismay. Yes, he loves to be in the wolf's arms but he is merely a bunny, he might get destroyed from the sudden strong hold from him one of these days.

"Ohm! Mind your strength please."

Fluke takes the big hands on his waist trying to pry them off. Once the taller man gives in, Fluke holds them in his, playing with the fingers and stops to admire the ring that is identical to the one he is wearing.

He plays with the small band, circling them around a couple of times then entangling their fingers together making the rings clink to each other. A wide smile adorns his face and he turns slightly to leave a butterfly kisses around the sharp jawline. Ohm closes his eyes enjoying the tender love his soulmate is showering him with.

"That is not what you said when I am inside you."

The smart remark only meets with rolling eyes from Fluke. He shifts his body from laying on top of Ohm to strandling the younger's lap. He drapes his arms around the neck and plays with the tuft of short hair at the back of Ohm's head before catches his fingers in between the strands to pull on it with a slight force.

"Shut the fuck up, pup."

Ohm winces at the tug but his lips are pulled into a small smirk that oozes with seduction in Fluke's eyes. The smaller pulls out his tongue teasing his wolf, trying to string him in a game that definitely ends with him under the submission of his husband.

Don't Ohm says so, he loves when the male uses strength to fuck him good.

"That is not so nice baby. Now get off of me. I thought you said you are up for a night ride."

Fluke eyes glint with excitement hearing the invitation from his husband. He leaps off the taller man and hops his way to their bedroom to change his pajamas into appropriate night out clothes. Ohm shakes his head and follows his love to change his outfit.

Honestly, Ohm has never found the bunny trait that obvious from Fluke aside from the long ears and cute button tail compared to his twins, Earth, who screams bunny from the way he looks to the way he acts. The smaller man always gives a kitten vibe instead but when he is excited or nervous, he definitely thumps his feet like Thumper and vibrates through his whole body, showcasing the trait of his animal side.

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