Meeting Again

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5 Years Ago,

"Colby, what are we going to do now..?" My voice trembled.
"We make it look like he killed himself."
Bonnie- "I'm scared.."
he put his arm around me.
Colby- "Let me handle this"

Present day,

I awake gasping for air to the sound of my cell door being opened.
"Johnson! C'mon, you're getting out"
Today is the day I get to smell the fresh air, the day I 'm released from this hell. I step off of my bed and put on my casual clothes. Did he keep his promise?

Guard- "Johnson! Hurry your ass up!"
Bonnie- "Yes ma'am"
Here I am, shoving my stuff eagerly in a bag. I come across a necklace.

Oct 12th,

"It's been one year, I have something for you" His hands intertwined with mine, smile so pure and eyes so bright.
"What is it?"
I stared deep into his eyes

Colby- "Close your eyes"
I do as he said and he opened up my palm placing a necklace in my hand ever so gently.
The second I saw it I lit up with excitement. A beautiful heart with both our names on it.

Present day
2016 December,

I shook my head and left the necklace here. I walked down the hall with the guard to the outside. The rush of cold air blew against my skin. Who did I see? Him. He's here.
He was leaned up against his car looking directly into my eyes. His stare was either memorizing or scary. Deep blue, either beautiful or like a psychopath with that grin.

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