jealousy☠ draco x reader

572 6 4

⚠️didnt re read⚠️

*draco in movie 3*

Once again waking up covered in sweat, from another almost sleepless night, y/n glanced at the clock on the side of her bed.


She rolled over in there bed, not wanting to leave the comfort, to sleep. She tossed and turned as the thoughts of him crossed her mind. His beautiful greyish silver eyes and how they swirl in endless cascades that make you want to look in them forever , his fluffy blonde hair that her fingers could run threw for hours, his smooth voice that sounded like a lullaby.

Opening her eyes once again she sighed gently trying not to wake her room mates and quietly got out of bed to go change. She gently button up her shirt and trew on her robe. She quietly hummed a tune to herself that the golden boy himself used to help her sleep

(Up at the top, it really does help with sleep. It makes me feel safe)

By the time she finished her room mates alarm clock was going off and now the whole dorm was up.

' how does time pass that quickly? '

The scent of coffee filled the Slytherin common room as 7th years all studied for their NEWTs. Y/n found it quite fascinating, watching them all work together, even if they weren't taking the same classes.

Through the whispers, y/n heard the door creak open. She looked over to see none other than Pansy Parkinson, hand in hand with him. She eyed the two of them for a moment before returning to her textbook. Unfortunately, they took a seat beside her on the sofa and continued their conversation on their holiday plans.

Quickly, y/n left to her room as the panging of pain came to her head once again. The kind of pang that only came around him. As the tears threatened to fall from her eyes she ran up to the dorms once again.

The silky sheets on y/n's bed were filled with comfort. It would be a miracle if she could get any studying done; being this comfortable, tired, and not to mention the thoughts roaming around in her head: what Draco was talking about with Pansy, their break up, the way his lips tasted after a heated kiss. Trying to shake it all out of her mind, she went back to her reading.

Their relationship hadn't ended well. There were a lot of things left unsaid. Occasionally, she'd think back on those moments and try to tell herself it was all a dream. But, every time she'd see him, Pansy was there, being 'little miss perfect'. She'd tried to change herself, hoping it wouldn't go unnoticed by the blonde boy. She wanted him to see that she still had feelings for him, but then again, she didn't. She wanted him to see that she could get by without him. She wanted him to realize what he'd left.

She wanted him back.

Time passed, as did the previous pages in y/n's Advanced Potions textbook. Memories kept floating back to her mind, and she finally had enough of it. Slamming her book down on her desk, she got herself ready for bed.


She woke up in a sweat. She didn't know why, having a dreamless night. Pulling the sheets over her head, she laid there unable to fall back asleep.

7:00 AM arrived quickly. Getting up for classes was already hard enough for y/n. With only three hours of sleep, she didn't know how she'd hold up. Groaning, she rolled out of bed, bringing the covers with her to keep her warm. She got dressed as quick as she possibly could. Somehow she still ended up being late for class. Realizing she left her bag in her dorm, she didn't even bother entering the room. Her bed was far more interesting anyway.

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