She nodded as I stared at him. Everyone turned to us then back to Syu, Kacchan continued.

"She's probably gonna hate you for this but, you should tell the rest of our class about what happened with her Dad."


She sighed heavily, "Okay...Just bring her back safe, please."

He nodded as did I and we took off for her house. We ran for what felt like hours, but it was only a few minutes. We were a block away from her house, when we heard loud crash and ran faster.

We made it to the nearest bush and hid behind it, I peaked around the corner only to be yanked back.

"Damn it, Kacchan!" I snapped.

"Idiot! We can let her see us! This is between her, her Mom and her Dad." he hissed.

I clenched my fists, "Damn it!" and slammed them down.

Kacchan just rolled his eyes at me as he peaked through her fence openings that were around their house.

"If you really want to look, Deku. Look through the fence." he said and I did.

I peaked through one of the holes as my eyes went wide, I clenched my fists tighter.

Their front door is what made that crashing sound. It was busted in half with flames burning on the sides of it. Ariella and Mrs. Hino were on the grass, butt first, as her Dad stood over them, they didn't move.

Instead they both stood up, got into their defense stances as her Dad went into attack mode, and the first hit was thrown out.


Dad took another step forward, we stood our ground as his hand came right for me, I back up instantly.

He smirked, "Awe, what happened to your bad ass stance, Ariella? Did I scare you?"

He was still smirking, I couldn't move, I was starting to get scared. My body started to shake as flashbacks flooded their way back to me.

Flashbacks of his hands on me, feeling me, nearly raping me.... I put my hands on my head as my knees gave out. I fell back down to the ground, my body shaking violently and I started to cry.

Blood red tears ran down my cheeks as I buried my head in between my knees.

No! I was ready! I was ready...

Mom spun around, her eyes scarce, "Ariella!"

Just as she was about to run over to me, Dad started laughing and she froze in place. Slowly I started to lift my head, I glanced at her through my blood tears, and my eyes went wide.

She was angry, I could sense it. Her whole body langue changed instantly, turning from scared to rage and she spun back around. Only to be met with Dad's horrid laughter.

"HAHAHA! I have you both in my possession and you can't stop me!"

"You jackass! I HATE YOU! Raging Wave!" Mom shouted and brought her hands together.

A huge water wave shot out of them, knocking Dad straight back into the house siding, leaving a huge human shaped indent. Bits and pieces of siding started to fall to the ground as Mom stepped closer to him.

My eyes went wider, and I jumped up from the ground. Don't Mom!

She took another step forward, she was just inches away from his face, when she screamed.

"MOM!" I shouted and ran for her, completely forgetting my flashbacks.

I froze in my tracks, Dad had his hand around her throat. She was clawing and scraping at his hand trying to breath, he just started laughing again and smirked.

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