Chapter 1

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Apple here uhm, my brain really said no❤️ hhhhhhh k I'll start now uhm enjoy i guess :p

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ : Homophobia, Christianity


Bailea if you dare quote anything on discord and send it to me, I will personally hug you til you can no long breathe :) k, love you <3 cough kozume-chan cough


(Oikawas POV)

Private chat with "Iwa-Chan"

Good morning Iwa-chan!
Morning Trashykawa
Mean Iwa-chan! :(

Oh shut up
Oh! did you hear? there's a new student coming today!

no, why? do you have an interest in them? do you even know if it's a girl or a boy?

Iwa-chan! are you worried i'll talk to the new student more than you?

Iwaizumi types that and sends it and just gets "read" back. He considered the fact Oikawa was getting ready for school so he left the "read" alone. For now.

(Iwaizumis POV)

"ugh" he thought looking at his watch. He was waiting for Oikawa to be ready so they could leave. He knocked on the door and yelled "TRASHYKAWA IF YOU DONT HURRY UP IM LEAVING YOU HERE" he didn't mean what he said. But was glad he said it because that made Oikawa rush down to the front door. As he opened it Iwaizumi saw Oikawa looking 'better' than normal. "wow..." he said not knowing it was said out loud. Oikawa gasped "Iwa-chan thinks I look good!" he said giggling. Iwaizumi softly punched his arm "I didn't say that" he said. "Your stare says otherwise Iwa-chan! and that 'wow' when you saw mee~~" Oikawa said teasing his 'best friend'.

At Aobajohsai High School

(Elisas POV)

"This school is so big" she thought to herself before entering the schools gates. As she was walking in she saw to males joking around, though one of the males specifically caught her eye. She never really had an interest in boys but he was different. She didn't know his name yet but she could tell he was a 3rd year. The other male seemed to be clinging to him, she thought "they are probably best friends. therefore I have a chance..". She found her way to the principals office to get her class number. She got the number and proceeded through the crowded halls, then she heard a loud bell and the sound of other students rushing to their class being sure not to be late. She wasn't late barley.

(Oikawas POV)

After the bell had rang Oikawa and Iwaizumi were running to their classes holding hands, they hadn't realised till they came to a halt infront of Oikawas class. Both males faces turned a bright obvious red tone and immediately let go apologising to each other bowing. They awkwardly walked into their classes. Oikawas classmates stared at him in confusion as to why his face was so brightly coloured red.

-After class-

Oikawa was waiting for Iwaizumi as usual but then he saw his 'best friend' on his way over. Oikawa jumped up in excitement and yelled "IWA-CHANNNNN". Iwaizumi in embarrassment looked down blushing and started walking faster towards his 'best friend'. "Trashykawa!" he mumbled, trying to sit without anyone noticing him. That didn't work as well as he hoped.
They were eating the lunch in quiet except for the occasional small talk Oikawa tried to make. Oikawa needed to use the restroom so he excused himself.

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