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I walked out of my flat, looking around cautiously. I then ran to the shop across the road. 

I just needed some fresh air but I was too scared. I had to run into the nearest shop! 

I entered the shop. The bell attached to door rang which made me jump. 

I went to the woman at the counter and asked for a bottle of water. The woman produced a large bottle. 

"Anything else?" she asked chewing her gum fiercly.

"Uh..No thats it thanks."

I was too scared too leave the shop.

"This isn't the brand I wanted" 

The woman looked angry 

"Its's the only one we have! Deal with it!"

I was about to leave when a girl with honey coloured hair grabbed my wrist she was about my age.

"Hey, whats your name? I'm Annabel!"

"Hi Annabel I'm Sara"

"You're name is sooo pretty!" 

"Thanks, so is yours" I smiled but I didn't know her. I was sure of it. 

"You look like you need some friends!"

I smiled but I was hurt that I didn't come across as someone who had friends. Not that I did.

"Lets go shopping!"


Annabel let out a screech


I thought that it was scary she got this excited over shopping. We left the shop and made our way to the high street . I would be safe with Annabel...Right? 

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