Chapter 2

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(Warning: Abuse is cited in this chapter)

Serafina woke up in a dark room with only one light shining below her. She was sitting in a chair being bonded by a rope, with no use of her arms, hands, or legs.

'Where am I'. She thought to herself as she tried to twist and turn to break free from the rope but there was no luck because the rope was too strong and tight around her.

There was no hope of breaking free from it. She looked around the room and all that surrounded her was darkness. When she was about to look for something that she could use to get out of the ropes despite her only seeing nothing besides the headlight over her, she heard a door creak open and shut which two figures appeared from the dark and into the light she was in. The two figures looked like they was men. Both wearing black robes and one man was taller than the other.

"Hello Serafina." The tall man said.

"How do you know my name?"

The tall man chuckled to himself, "Oh Serafina, I know everyone's name in the land Ani Creek." He walked around circling her.

"But Ani Creek is suppose to be a place for children like me where there are no adults." Serafina looked confused.

"It is but we are the ones looking after the land and is secretly controlling it without any of you kids knowing." The medium sized man spoke up.

Serafina was even more puzzled than before. "What do you mean you are controlling the land?"

The tall man and the other one gave a glance at each other. The tall man stopped in front of Serafina and placed two hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry you'll find out what we mean soon when our big plan is put into action. But first we have a few questions to ask you."

Serafina gulped and took a a big breath. "Um..ok..then after you ask me questions and I answer them, then will you let me go?"

"That depends if you corporate with us, if not then we will have to force it out of you." Serafina didn't like where this was going.

"Ok first question! How did you find out?" The tall man boomed.

"Find out what?"

"Don't act dumb! You know exactly what we're talking about." The medium sized man said in an angry tone.

"No I really don't know unless you mean....oh no..." She trailed off remembering what they could be talking about and figuring out what they want.

"Hm so you do know after all." The medium sized man said.

"Your...talking about when I finally figured out what happened to me in my... past life." She hesitated.

"Yes, we want to know how you was able to figure it out." The tall man asked.

"Why does it matter to you?! I mean I should have the right to know after all it's my memory." Serafina was already getting tired of the questions, it was none of their business after all so she thought.

The medium sized man slapped her across the face leaving a red mark that burned.

"Ow what the heck!"

"We told you if you don't corporate with us then we will have to use force, one is hitting you as hard as I can so hopefully you will spill everything that is important."

"And the second?" She asked. "Well we don't want to go there unless we have to." The medium sized man strengthen his posture,

"Ok next question, What did you see in your past life and by that I mean how did you die?"

Serafina smirked, " Ok since you so badly want to know, I died by falling down the stairs and breaking my neck in the process." She lied.

The medium sized man clicked his tongue and slapped her harder than the first time and blood was rolling  down to her lips and then splatter to the floor.

"Wrong answer! You damn well know how you died, don't play games with me little girl this is your last warning."

Serafina winced in pain."Stop hurting me!"

"Shh! It will be over soon. Just stop resisting and everything will be fine." The medium sized man said.

"How can you say that?! If I'm the one in pain and for what exactly?!!"

"Oh you know why your being punished and why your here. You shouldn't have put your nose where it doesn't belong!"

"But it' past's something that I should remember and it's the key for my present life here." She sobbed and quivered.

The two men in the room continued to interrogate her and would slap her hard across the face if she didn't respond or said the wrong thing. Soon the slaps turned into punches, and then it came to down to them slicing a knife down her arm, in slow motion and Serafina letting out a loud yelp from the unbearable pain she is in. Wishing  it could be over and hope none of this isn't real and that soon she will wake up if that is she is in a nightmare but in real life.

"Please just stop..I beg of you." She was becoming weak and strained.

The two men laughed and one of the men struck her with a knife that huge amounts of blood spurted from her body. Leading to her passing out.

Serafina woke up in a panic and sat up straight. She wasn't in a dark room anymore and tied with a rope or there wasn't two men with her. She was in her bedroom in her home. She felt scared and confused. She felt sweat dripped down her face and wiped it away with a tissue from the tissue box she grabbed from the nightstand. It was all a dream or was it? At this point she doesn't know right now and began to sob loudly bringing her legs close to her chest and burying her head.

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