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I took another sip of my coffee, and then wrote some more words on my blog.
Whenever I get writers block, coffee always get my juices flowing.
The waitress came up to me and asked if I wanted a refill.

"Yea that would be great."

She took my cup and walked behind the counter.

This is was my life.

Every afternoon I come to my neighborhood's coffee shop right around the corner from my apartment.

The only other people in the coffee shop were a couple making out while there lattes got cold.

I always see perfect couples. For the majority of my life I've stayed single, and single I guess I shall stay.

I couldn't stand being alone. I've always been alone since my parents were never around when I was younger.

Having a gambling mother and a dead beat dad does that to you.

But I guess it wasn't always bad that bad since I had my sister to indure through the pain with.

The waitress brought me another cup of coffee. "I thought you've might have wanted it to go."

For a stranger she sure knew a lot about my needs.

"Yeah thanks." I took the cup and had another sip.

The taste was a warming and satisfying taste, like wrapping up in a warm blanket.

I reached into my wallet to pick out a five dollar bill. I placed it on the table as a tip.

I walked past the couple and headed for the door.

As I reached for the handle a boy reached for it also on the outside. I felt my heart begin to race.

My eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy brown hair down to his worn combat boots.

The closer he came, the better I could view him. His eyes warm, a range of soft colors.

He had bags hung under his eyes, ageing him quite a bit, but he couldn't be much older than me nonetheless.

"Um excuse me." He words were smoother than butter when he spoke.

"Oh sorry."

I moved out of his way to let him go by. As I exited the shop I turned around to find him turned around as well.

It was as if at that exact moment we shared something. I didn't know what it was but, I liked it.

As I walked home I saw the sunset. The light fall air danced across my skin, leaving raised hairs in its path.

I watched couples holding hands stroll down the street. It was quite the scene. It strange how people fall in love these days. 

Just seeing a cute guy could easily make a girl fall head-over heels in love.

I reached my apartment building.

There wasn't much people living in my apartment which made me happy because there was lots of peace and quiet.

No one was in the lobby, no surprise, so I went to the elevator.

I pushed the up button. When I looked pass the corner I noticed a woman carrying groceries.

It looked like she was struggling so I offered to help her.

"Do you need help mam?"

"Oh no thank you dearie, but thank you anyway."

Bad Girl || Evan PetersWhere stories live. Discover now