As the Showcase came to and end, Mr. Shuester met up with the judges to get their scores. Brittany didn't perform, which surprised both Quinn and Santana. The Showcase was something she would usually look forward to.

Everyone took the stage, waiting for the results. Mercedes came in third. Rachel taking second, and Santana and Quinn taking first place. As they should, their performance was the best of the afternoon.

There was a trophy that Mr. Shuester kept in the Choir Room that had the name of the winner of each year engraved. The girls took a picture with the trophy before handing it back to Mr. Shue.

In Sugar Motta fashion, she reserved BreadStix for a karaoke night for everyone who was in the Glee Club. Before heading there, the girls went to Santana's to change and shower. It was a long day, the drive from Louisville and the drive Quinn had from New Haven really took a toll. They had a few hours, so Quinn laid on Santana's bed and fell asleep.

When Santana came out of the shower, she found her girlfriend asleep on her bed. Knowing that the thirteen hour drive had finally caught up to her she slowly closed the door to her room and walked downstairs to make herself something to eat.

Winning the showcase for the second time was great. It was a shame that Mr. Shue tended to pick Rachel over the rest of the club. But it was now obvious that she had talent.

Santana made herself a hot pocket and sat down at the dining table. She sent the video of her and Quinn singing to Caitlyn to tell her that they won. Even though she had won first place last year, this time around felt so much better. She knew that it had everything to do with Quinn.

It was a different kind of relationship, something so brand new. Santana was used to her relationship with Brittany. Honestly it was all she had ever known when she thought about love. But Quinn, boy was she different. She made Santana's heart flutter daily. The way her stomach twisted in knots when she missed her was unbearable. Yet everything was refreshing. It was stable. It was what she had wanted for so long. Santana yearned for it and here she was, sitting at her dining room table with basically everything she's wanted.

Her thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door.

When Santana looked through the peephole, it was Brittany. She took a deep breath in, hoping that this wasn't going to be more drama. She didn't have it in herself to argue.

She opens the door. "Hey Britt. Whatsup?"

"Can we talk?" Brittany said as she looked down. "I promise I'm not here to fight. I just wanna talk."

Santana moved away from the door so Brittany could walk in.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to tell you that I think you and Quinn were awesome out there today. And I understand, I mean- yeah. You deserve to be happy. I did it, I dated Sam and so I understand. You didn't do it to hurt me. I get that now."

"Of course I didn't do it to hurt you Britt. I wouldn't do something like that to you. Honest."

"I know. I'm sorry for how I came off at Louisville. I was hurt. And just, I love you San. I just need you to know that."

Brittany had a tear falling from her eye now, and out of habit Santana immediately walked over and wiped it away. "I love you too, Britt. I do. It's just that I'm with Quinn now. And Quinn? She makes me happy."

Brittany chuckled. "Man, I get how you felt back when I told you the same thing about Artie."

Santana smiled, remembering the faithful day that she was rejected by Brittany when she first admitted her feelings. It was horrible but was a stepping stone into who she was today.

"Are we ever going to get a chance to be together again?"

"Maybe. I don't know, Britt. That's like asking me to say if I think me and Quinn are going to break up."

"Well, do you see a future with her? The way that you saw for us? Because that's what really matters." Santana looked up at her. "I'm sorry. I know that wasn't right for me to say. I just- I don't know. I've been thinking about it since I left Louisville Santana. There's no one in this world I wanna spend the rest of my life with other than you."

"You still haven't told me what you were doing in Daytona, Britt."

The change of conversation was sudden, but needed to be done. Her relationship with Quinn was so new that she didn't really think of anything past the next month. Long distance wasn't her forte, and all she wanted to do was know when the next time she was going to see her girlfriend was.

"I was in Daytona because that's a huge deal, San. I told you at the beginning of the school year that I'd be there. I just don't think we counted on us breaking up before that happened."

"Then why didn't you come see me? I know you love watching the large co-ed competitions. Why didn't you tell me you were there."

"I don't know San, because I was scared. I didn't know what to do. When your competition finished I was planning on surprising you but before you got off of stage I saw Quinn, and I left. I had a feeling that you guys were more than friends but I shook it off thinking that she was just there as a friend."

Santana was at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry Britt. I didn't want you to find out the way you did. I didn't want to hurt you."

"It's alright. I mean- I kinda threw that engagement thing on you." Brittany replied as she walked towards the door. "I gotta get going. Sam is waiting, and I still gotta get ready for tonight. You guys are coming right?"

"Yes. We'll be there."

Brittany stopped. Before opening the door she turned and pulled Santana in for a hug. "I miss you, San."

"I miss you too Britt." She said as she released from the hug.

She looked up at Brittany and their eyes met. It was somewhere she had been a thousand times before with her. The way they would lock eyes across the choir room or when they would just stare into each others eyes cuddling in bed.

Brittany leaned in and by instinct Santana followed. But before their lips touched Santana stopped her.

"No, Britt. No. We can't do this. We aren't cheaters."

Defeated, Brittany turned towards the door once again. "I'll see you tonight." And without looking back, she opened the door and was gone.

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