Chapter 12

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"Since the ball is in 10 days, let's all go shopping!", Nichelle cheers with joyful closed eyes. Alice stares at her mother and slowly follows her movements.

"Yaaay", Julian copies her cheer but less enthusiastic. Soarir chuckles at her family as Nichelle instantly snatches Alice from Lesley, who pouted slightly, and Soarir.

"Sweetheart, no"

"Sweetheart, yes"

Nichelle began sprinting to the carriage with Alice and Soarir in her arms, one in each arm. 



[My lord...]

After a minute of waiting for Julian, he finally arrives, sweating and panting.

"Dearest Nichelle, you really are the cutest when we go shopping", he says with a smile, crawling into the carriage while catching his breath.


They arrive at the market and Julian is already dying in the inside. 

"What do you think, Soarir dear? Does this look nice?", Nichelle asks, picking up a dressed up Alice in a violet dress.

"Hmmm, I think something lighter and cuter would suit Alice", Soarir replies while lightly pinching her sister's nose, who responded with a happy squeal. Nichelle nods and looks around to find another dress.

"You seem to know a lot about dresses, Soarir", Joshua says with flushed cheeks. The Young lady halts her search for a dress and faces Joshua.

"Not really, Joshua, but thank you", she giggles. 

[What type of gown are you trying to look for?]

"Not sure. Just going to find what I like"

"Young Joshua, Miss Lesley, you should also find something to wear at the ball", Julian offers while sitting down.

"I have to refuse, Sir. I have a gown prepared", Lesley replies with a delicate bow. Julian turns to Joshua, waiting for an answer.

"Are you sure, Sir? I can attend the ball in my uniform", Joshua says as he lowers his head.

"Think of it as part of your bonus", the Prime Minister smiles. Joshua nods and begins looking through gowns next to me. Soarir gives up looking and decides to sit down next to her father.

"Soarir, why are you sitting down? You haven't found anything to wear yet", Julian says. Soarir rocks her head side to side as if saying "ehhhh it doesn't matter". 

"I already have plenty of gowns at home so I can wear one of those", Soarir explains. Alice suddenly appears, crawls to Soarir and smacks her calf.

"You are correct, Alice. Your sister should find a new and fabulous dress that would enhance her cuteness and beauty", Nichelle says, picking Alice up from Soarir's legs. The young lady chuckles as she rolls her eyes. 

"They do have a point"

[Bet you're about to think that the prince would like something new]

"What?! No! What do you think of me?! I wear what I want to wear, not for some guy. Besides, I'm probably not going to meet him at the ball!"

[Sorry. I just...nevermind]

"Look, if there's something on your mind, you can always tell me. Anything that's said in my mind, stays in my mind"


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