If you can discuss the proposition with your Chapter up there and they take over the distribution to my dealers, I can open San Diego's port for you and solve your current problem."

"And what problem is that?" He asked.

I didn't know if he was bluffing or truly thought with all the other information I found on their phones I wouldn't find this.

"That if you want to take over the gun distribution for the IRA, you need a port. You can't afford to lose this chance." I sat back and crossed my arms with a smile. "You can still work for Miguel, I'm not after exclusivity. You can even keep the cars that come in. Think of it as a bonus."

"And what about the Bratva in Stockton?" Taza asked.

"They have no reason to stay there anymore. I doubt they are still there now."

Taza and Bishop stared at each other for a while before Bishop nodded to me.

"I'll talk to the boys in Stockton and they will have to vote before getting back to you." He said.

"Perfect." I clapped. "Now how much product did the Bratva jack?"

"$2.4 million worth." Taza replied.

"And your cut?" I asked.


I grabbed the tablet and typed away before Bishop's phone pinged. I had deposited the cut they lost because of me, $360,000, to him.

"Call it goodwill. Let me know when you have an answer for me." I shook their hands and left the room.

"Does my brother own them or can they work apart from him?" I asked Nestor as we hopped back in the hearse.

"Nah, they are only really used for protection runs. Shouldn't be a problem but he would want a heads up."

I zipped my bag up again and told Francis to head to the Galindo residence. I zoned out once Nestor gave him an address. I'm so fucking tired. I tried to think what the most likely form of attack the Bratva will send me and figured it would be brute force. The gyms would be watched and my property in New York too.

They didn't know I actually produced the MDMA or where in Japan so that was safe. I ran almost everything through cryptocurrency so that too was safe. I had a passport in my duffle bag that no one else has seen the name of and birth certificates matching. It broke my heart, to loose the name that connected me to my son and husband. To be a Sokolova now would be a death sentence, they will be on the lookout for it especially.

The scrapyard had been fully fenced and sheltered with high walls but here at the Galindo's there was only chain links. Ws couldn't risk being seen so Francis reversed up to the front door and wheeled the stretchers into the house.

"What the hell is this? Who are you?" I heard my brother ask.

"Relax old man. It's Nestor and I." I said as I unzipped the bag and saw Nestor sit up at the same time.

"Your sister is fucking strange Miguel." Emily complained.

"Little Dita should shut her mouth before it gets shut." I said to her while looking at Miguel. "Your office."

I walked past him and went straight to the office and sat in Miguel seat. Marcus walked in with the other two and they all sat down in front of me. With the help of Nestor we ran through the recap of the last 24 hours, excluding our relationship.

"Marcus, could you assist in the talks with the Kings?" Miguel asked him.

"Done. That income would breath a new life into the M.C." He replied before leaving to make the call.

As soon as the door closed Miguel looked between Nestor and I. I held his stare as he crossed his arms until he turned to his friend.

"I thought you didn't like her like that?" Miguel asked with an eyebrow raised.

Nestor smiled at me before looking back at my brother. "Hard not to Mikey. She's amazing."

My heart beat like a jack rabbit, I felt a blush spread over my cheeks and I worried about Miguel's reaction.

"Mhmmm." Miguel sighed. "You can stay here if you need. I wanted to ask you for some advice on the poppy fields later too. Go clean up first and we will talk later."

When we left the room Nestor slipped his hand in mine with a smile and I happily returned it.

"I think that's the most civil conversation I have ever had with him." I said in disbelief.

"It's amazing what happens when everyone stops keeping secrets." He said laughing.

"Shut up." I said as I elbowed him softly. "Nessy-boo."

Thick As Blood - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now