what happened..?

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next thing he knew thomas awoke in his bedroom, half naked and confused. he didn't remember getting back home. he sat up in bed only to get a splitting headache. the only thing he remembered from last night as.. oh god.. jerry the worm. had he really almost just did... that... with his bully? wait. who brought me home last night?
his thoughts were running wild, he was so confused.

eventually, thomas heard the bathroom door open, and some footsteps right to his door. a few gentle knocks rung through the room, before the door swung open, only to reveal a damp, towel covered simon, with a nude jerry standing right next to him.

"wh-wh.. what happened..?" thomas asked, panicking as he saw the two in front of him. he rubbed his head, lazily patting the bedside table to look for some liquid to drink. he grabbed a gross, old bottle of gatorade, and popped two pills. he always had horrible migraines so he was prepared for mornings like this.

simon laughed softly, glancing over at jerry. "well, you got so hammered last night that you went out and almost shagged this fella over here. we both had to chase you down because you were running down the street yelling about how gay jerry is,"

thomas let out a small wheeze, in both pain and laughter. "well it could've been worse.." thomas said, before looking over at jerry and blushing, seeing the amused look on his face. there was so much more..

"you were nude too.." the worm added, giggling softly remembering hearing the wailing and the..... slapping....

"and you jumped into the neighbor's pool. you climbed right over the fence, and luckily you didn't get a splinter on your dick. that would've been painful. instead, you got a splinter on your ass cheek." simon added on, watching thomas blush and shake his head as the story got progressively worse. "you tried to sleep in the dog house." 

thomas groaned, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. he pissed and shat, showered, and got ready for the day, slowly gaining back memories of last night. oh god.. i really did try to shag jerry. but... wait, did he even have a single drink that night?

jerry's pov briefly sksjdkjsdkfh

"y'know, what you walked into last night, simon, don't tell anyone 'bout it, alright?" jerry asked, quickly slipping on some clothes for the school day. he didn't need that getting out to anyone of the football team.. 

"hmm? oh, yeah of course. after all, us two.. we did kind of get eachother off." simon said, blushing and getting dressed as well. the two heard the bathroom door bang open, and out came a fully dressed, and ready fro school thomas.

"you guys ready to go?" thomas asked, staring at the two men in his room. there was definitely some tension between all three of them, and he couldn't quite put his finger on why..

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