M:So Chris?

What about him?

M:Nothing really just asking you know random guy giving you his number and shit...

I know but he's probably nice

M:As long as he doesn't hurt you I'm good


I look up at Mattia

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I look up at Mattia...he's not looking at me he's looking at his phone

"You good"roshaun says looking at me

"Yeah I'm just ready to go home and shower"I say

"We all need to do something today"samy says

"It's a umm party at pintos house"Mariano says

"A party yes I'm down but before that we have to go to Mattias parents house"Alejandro says

"A party?"I say

"Yes and your going you never go to parties"Alvaro says

"Okay fine"I say

•••2 hours later

We were all meeting at mattias house with our clothes so we can all get dressed together I decided to actually wear something cute but now I just have on black sweatpants with a cropped wife beater and mattias black Nike jacket that I stole out of his car I put my clothes in the backpack and go downstairs

"Let's go kairi your driving"samy says

I nod and head out to the samys car

Mariano just brought him a black Range Rover i get in the drivers seat and buckled up...I put in the gps the address and started driving

"Now I see why they don't let you drive"samy says

"I hate driver I don't drive like this by myself"I say

"Drive like your by yourself"Alvaro says

I nod and sped up

•••we arrived to a big ass mansion 30 minutes later

"Wow"I say

"I thought that other house was his parents house"samy says

"I mean they are filthy rich"I say

I park the car and we get out and walk to the entrance

Samy knocks on the door

A older buff dude that kinda looks like Mattia opens the door

Oh shit...

"Hello samy and you two must me kairi and Alvaro"he says

"Hi Mr.Polibio"I say

"Oh so now you know"he says

"Yep how do you know my name"I say

"I know everyones name"he says

I smile and he lets us in

"Mattias room is in the basement go through that door"he says pointing to a door that was far down the hall

We walk down the hall and we walk the down the steps it was a living room with a seating area and 3 doors that lead to who knows

We see all the boys scattered throughout the main area

"Were here"Alvaro says

"Oh hey guys"mar says

"What do y'all have on"Robert says

"Sweatpants and tank tops"Alvaro says

"They fucking little as shit"Mattia says

"Because they are cropped duhh"I say

"Don't duhh me fuck wrong with you"Mattia says

I roll my eyes in responds and put my bag down

Samy and Aloe are already boo'd up

"Bring your ass here"Mattia says

I walk over and sit beside him

"How did you get my jacket"he says

"I stole it out your car"I say

"So you stealing now"he says

"Mhmm"i says

He shakes his head and lays down
I get up and lay on him...he wraps on hand around me and continued to be on
His phone

I quickly fell asleep he was cold and smelt good so I went smack to sleep


"Shut the fuck up"I hear Mattia yell

"Tell your boyfriend to wake up dad wants you"another voice says

"I swear you wake him up I'm going to shoot you in your fucking dick"Mattia says

"Bruhhh not if I shoot you first what the fuck"the voice says

I shake my head and lean up off Mattia

"Look what you did...my bad kairi"Mattia says

I nod okay

He gets up and pulls out the gun that was that was in his shorts

"Run bitch"Mattia says

"What the fuck"Alvaro says

"It's normal"Alejandro says

They run off and get up I get up stretch

"How was your nap little one"Zach says

"Could have been longer I ain't mad though"I say

"Mmm"he says rolling his eyes

"What's your problem"I mumble

"Nothing just stay away from what's mine"he whispered

"You talking about Mattia"I say

He does that "duh" face

"Who said I wanted him..."I say

"No one but don't get to close"he says

"Tell what's "yours" don't get to close , you don't own me"I say

"I could if I wanted to"he says

I roll my eyes

"I could kill you,you know that right no one wouldn't even know your gone...or you could go missing again easily"he whisper

"Like I said you can have Mattia trying to kill someone for dick that's not yours I'm pretty sure that his dick doesn't want you"I say

"He doesn't want you either"he says

"That's fine I'm not crazy over no dick especially if he doesn't like me back that's dead but sorry to burst your bubble but Mattia doesn't give a fuck about you"I say

That's when Mattia comes running down the steps

"Duck!"he yelled

I just look back confused...this when his little brother started shooting in my direction

The end he died sorry not sorry

I'm kidding chapter completed 👁👄👁

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