Ross:"To Joey".Shh.

Phoebe:Ok um hi,hello,hi ok so um this is a song about a love triangle between three people that I made up.Um it's called um Two of Them Kissed Last Night."Sings". There was a girl we'll call her Betty and a guy let's call him Neil.Now I can't stress this point too strongly this story isn't real.Now our Neil must decide who will be the girl that he casts aside.Will Betty be the one who he loves truly?.Or will it be the one who we'll call Ju...Loolie?.He must decide, he must decide even though I made him up he must decide!.


-November 22nd 1995-

   At Monica and Rachel's apartment.Monica has made food for Phoebe and Rachel to taste which I refused to as I sit on the couch reading thru some scripts.

Monica:Ok this is pumpkin pie with mockolate cookie crumb crust.This is mockolate cranberry cake and these are mockolate chip cookies.Just like the Indians served.

Rachel:Oh my god.

Monica:Oh my god.Good?.

Rachel:Oh my god I can't believe you let me put this in my mouth!.

Phoebe:Oh,oh sweet Lord!.This is what evil must taste like!.

   I look up to see the girls by the sink washing out their mouths.

   Soon me and Rachel enter Chandler and Joey's apartment.

Elizabeth:Hey do you guys have..."Sees Ross".Hi.


Elizabeth:Hello boys.

Rachel:"Sees his coat on".Where you going?.

Ross:I uh I just got back from uh from Julie's.


Ross:No,no uh it's not what you think.It's um the other thing.

Rachel:Well what's the other thing what do I think?.

   Joey looks at Rachel and is smiling and gesture's his head towards Ross.

Ross:Well uh.

Joey:He broke up with Julie.Well go hug her for god's sakes.


Ross:Really.It's always been you Rach.

   Ross and Rachel hug and I smile at the two.

Rachel:Oh god.


Rachel:Oh,oh this is good this is really good.

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