Monster's Girlfriend

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Takao POV

".....The Twilight zone, I' FUCKING TWILIGHT ZONE" Miyagi yelled.
"Stop yelling, people are looking" Otsubo calmly said but Miyagi wasn't listening.
"I don't give a fuck...look at that" we all look out the window to see Midorima and his girlfriend. Yes I said girlfriend, Midorima has a girlfriend. She was the nicest, cutest and happiest person we know. So tell me why THE FUCK, she is dating Midorima. They were sitting on a bench together, eating lunch. She looked very happy next to him and he....well....he didn't really have an expression of any kind.
"Ok....What the fuck" Otsubo was confused.
"Thank you"
"Guys stop" Kimura tried to calmly stop them.
"Why....can you explain that" Miyagi said annoyed.
"No but....."
"Then don't tell us to not freak the fuck out" they said together. Well they were yelling I looked out the window and made eye contact with Midorima.
"GUYS" I yelled to get their attention.
"What" they all yelled together looking at me.
"He saw us" I pointed out the window, were Midorima was looking at us.
"What....H-HOW" Miyagi yelled
"I don't know, it could have been.....ALL THE YELLING" Otsubo yelled at us.
"Look whose yelling now" Miyagi comment back.
"Shut up" I looked back out the window as he stared back up at us. He had a look of anger on his face and his girlfriend seemed to notice. She started giving him kisses on the side of his face and he put his attention back on her.
"Did she...she calm him down" Kimura asked cunfused.
"I think so" I said back, not being very sure about my statement.
"No...more like distracted him" Miyagi comment back.
"That makes more sense" Otsubo said, looking out the window again.
"Yea" the rest of us said together.

Midorima POV

"Don't be mad" my girlfriend said giving me a few kiss.
"I cannot help it, they are just staring at you...I hate it" I looked up at my team again. They quickly ran away from the window when they saw that I was looking at them. "I don't want them staring at you" you can call me overprotective or possessive, I don't care. I cannot help but act this way when I got the girl all guys could only dream of.
"Midorima, look at me" I turned my attention back to her. "Listen carefully to me, ok" I just nodded. "I only love you and I'm not going anywhere" I felt myself smile a bit.
"I love you too" I felt myself turning red from embarrassment from what I just said. I wasn't used to being in love, this is the first time for me. She is the first person that I have ever loved. The first person to make my heart beat fast and give me butterflies in my stomach.
"Can I come to your practice today" I wanted to say no. It's not because I don't want her there but I don't want my team looking at her. Before we started dating, I would always catch them staring at her around school.
"Are you sure, you want to come"
"Yes, I just.....want to spend more time with you" I smiled again.
"Ok, I'll pick you up after class"
"Really" she looked very excited.

Takao POV

The team and I were getting ready for practice when Midorima arrived with his girlfriend.
"Midorima and....Star" I felt stupid for saying her name like it was a question.
"Hi" she happily replied and Midorima rolled his eyes.
"Are you here to cheer Midorima on" Otsubo asked. Kimura and Miyagi stood close behind him.
"Yes" she happily smiled at us and Midorima looked annoyed.
"Yes" she happily smiled at him and he looked back at her with no emotion.
"Can you sit over there" he pointed to a chair on the other side of the gym.
"Ok" she ran off to were he asked her to sit.
"I'm going to change" he left quickly before we could say anything.
"Did he seemed annoyed to you guys too" Kimura whispered to us.
"I think he was pissed off" Otsubo whispered back.
"Do you think he was pissed off by us or........her" Miyagi asked. We all looked over at Star, she was happily sitting and humming a little bit.
"I think it was us" I whispered back but I wasn't completely confident in my answer.
"What are you whispering about" we all jumped when Midorima spoke up.
"Holy shit, when did you get back" Miyagi asked.
"Not that long ago......why were you huddled and whispering ".
"No reason" I yelled as the team hid behind me. He looked at us like we were crazy or something.
"....ok" he said before looking over at Star and she smiled at him. He turned his attention back to us. "Should we start practice" we all just nodded.

First part done

Cold Hearted (Midorima x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum