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"No...I just want to be with you" she happily said and I laughed.
"Ok then....first ice-cream and then movies at my"

Takao POV

"Then we hit him with a......." Otsubo quickly interrupted him by taking the bat he was holding away.
"Miyagi no"
"This sounds like we are plotting murder or a kidnapping" Kimura said with some concern on his face. It was probably because Miyagi suggested murder as his first and only plan.
"We might as well kill him" Miyagi took his bat back from Otsubo.
"I think that's a over reaction" I said taking the bat from him again.
"No" he tried taking the bat back so I held it behind my back.
"Yes it is"
"We just want to ask him some questions, nothing more" Otsubo stood between us to prevent Miyagi from grabbing the bat.
"Fine.....but if it doesn't work...."
"No, your plan is not on the table" we had gotten together to discuss Midorima and his girlfriend. Their relationship was very confusing to us. We just didn't see what Star saw in Midorima. So we had planned to ask him but we just didn't know how to.
"I say we just ask him to meet us"
"That might be the best option" Kimura said a little annoyed. I don't completely blame him because we have been planning this for about three hours now.
"Yea.....but which one of us is going to ask him" Otsubo asked but they all looked at me.
"Why are you all looking at me"
"You are his friend so you should ask him to meet us"
"Besides he will probably be less mad at you for avoiding him" we have all been avoiding Midorima for about five weeks now. The only time we really saw him was at practice. We were avoiding him because we were always saying stupid shit to him. More specifically Miyagi would try to ask him if Star dumped him yet but we were always quick to stop him.
"We wouldn't have to avoid him if Miyagi would stop trying to ask him if he got dumped yet" I said and Miyagi looked at me annoyed.
"First you take my bat then YOU BLAME ME FOR EVERYTHING" Miyagi yelled.
"If you don't want to be blamed then...STOP ASKING" Miyagi went to punch me but Otsubo stopped him.
"Ok, let's just calm down a little"
"Hell NO, HE'S GOING DOWN" Otsubo tighten his hold on Miyagi and I hid behind Kimura.

Star POV

"I feel like I'm being clingy" I told my friend Jin and she looked at me like I was crazy.
"No you're not" she almost yelled and I looked at her confused.
"Are you sure"
"Yes..... and your boyfriend is an asshole" she looked really annoyed.
"What are you saying, he is just....."
"No don't make excuses for him, it sound like he is avoiding you"
"He is not avoiding me, I see him every day"
"yea and based on what you said he doesn't seem to care about you"
"What are you saying, that's not true at all"
"Did you not just say that every time you meet, he talks about his team"
"Yea but....."
"No don't deserve that"
"But.....I really like him" I looked down to my lap were I was holding my phone. It had a picture of me and Midorima on the back of it.
"I know but I think you should think of your happiness too"
"But....he is my happiness" I felt a few tears fall from my eyes. I couldn't help myself, I was in love with Midorima and I didn't want to brake up with him.
"Hey don't cry, it'll be ok" I wiped my tears but they wouldn't stop. "Listen you don't have to do anything you don't want to but think about it...ok" I nodded. "Good, I have to go to class but I'll see you after school"
"I cannot I have to see......" I stopped myself from saying his name. She rolled her eyes a little before saying anything to me.
"Are you sure you want to meet him"
"Yea...I just....I don't know"
"I think you should consider taking a break from each other"
"I don't want to brake up with him"
"Not a brake up, just a some time to think"
"I don't know"
"Like I said before, you don't have to do anything you don't want to but you should think about it"
"" i didn't know what to say, I just didn't know how to feel.
"You don't have to decide now, you know" I nodded. She patted my head before running off to class. I just sat by myself think of what I should do next. I really loved Midorima but i know that my friend was right. Maybe we both just need some space from each other.

Ok done for now

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