1. Potions

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(y/h) = (your house)

Your POV

I ran to the classroom as fast as my feet could handle. God, I was late AGAIN. And in potions! Professor Snape is going to take points from (y/h) again... It's not like it's entirely my fault, Dumbledore called me in his office, after all.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard a voice abruptly stop talking: "And then you-. Ah. Miss (y/l/n). Late again, huh. 10 points from (y/h)." he said. I heard grunts from fellow house members. I quickly sat down next to my friend Maya, who's in hufflepuff. "How can you be late again in potions, are you TRYING to get detention?" she whispered.

Maya knew all about my crush on Snape. I didn't come late on purpose, although I wouldn't mind spending some extra time with-. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as I heard a voice behind me say: "Already late and then talking too? One. More. Time. And you get detention. Did you hear me, (y/l/n)" he said quite loud. My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't know whether it was because he was standing so close or because he was so frightening. "Yes, professor." I said quietly. He walked back to his desk, observing all the other students in the room.

Snape's POV

I was getting annoyed by (y/n) constantly walking in late. She already did this 4 times this year. I finally had enough. The next time she does this, I will give her detention.

There she was, sitting at the table with that little friend of hers, Maya Risebloom. Always whispering and giggling, they would never shut up. I walked to their table and made my presence known. "Already late and then talking too? One. More. Time. And you get detention. Did you hear me, (y/l/n)" I told her while standing a bit too close. She turned around with a red face, looking up at me with those awful puppy eyes of hers. I couldn't look into them anymore, which is why I turned around and walked back to my desk as soon as she answered me.

While observing the class, I noticed Malfoy messing around with Crabbe and Goyle. The three were awful kids to be around and I didn't feel like taking points of my own goddamn house. I walked up to him and slammed my hands on his desk, which made a much louder sound than intended. As I slowly looked down at him, I told him quietly that if he didn't shut his mouth right now, I would make sure that he would never be able to open it again. He looked at me scared, almost whimpering like a pathetic dog. Out of the corner of my eye I saw (y/l/n), staring at me in shock. Had I scared her?

I quickly stood up straight again and walked around the classroom, when I noticed that the class was over. "Alright, class dismissed. Get out. NOW." I yelled. Immediately, everyone stood up from their seats and walked right out the door. Ofcourse, (y/l/n) was last to go. "Sorry professor, for interrupting your class once again." she said rather fast. I was going to tell her it wasn't a big deal, but she was already on the stairs.

Your POV

My heart was still going crazy! When he slammed his hands on Malfoy's desk like that, I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. I remembered how close he stood to me... I could feel his cloak on my arms, and I felt my cheeks become hot and red. Shit. Butterflies started to come up in my belly and caught me off guard. The stairs almost started moving, but before they did, Maya pulled me by my arm. "Daydreaming about him, still?" she asked. "I just apologized to him! Can you believe it? I finally said something to him!" Maya laughed and grabbed my arm as we walked up the stairs.

(I'm hoping you liked this first chapter, don't hesitate to give me tips on length, word choices or different situations! <3)

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