Chapter 8: Rain

Magsimula sa umpisa

       I peaked into the doorway of their class, spotting Sugawara and Daichi— And Asahi. Daichi noticed me hiding around the corner and got out of his seat, probably making up some excuse to leave. I turned around and leaned against the wall, still smiling. Finally I'll be able to know... it's going to be good... I just feel it.
       "Nishinoya," Daichi's firm voice caught my attention.
       "Hey, Daichi. How's your lunch going?" I asked.
        "Good. I'm still eating. Not surprised you're already finished!" He laughed. I gave a fake chuckle for him. Yeah... it's definitely finished, that's for sure.
       "So what did Asahi say? You asked him, right?"
        He looked uncomfortable, biting his lip. "Yeah, Suga and I asked him. He didn't really have and answer," Daichi's tone made my heart race with anxiety. Does that mean...
        "He said you were one of his really good friends, one of his closest friends, and that he admires you. That's about it."
       Disappointment washed over me as I felt my heart drop completely. Good friends? That's it? Any hope I once had shattered with a single sentence.
       "He said we were close friends?" My voice quivered. I must've looked really upset, because Daichi tried to make me feel better.
       "Well, uh, it was during practice so he was in a rush and maybe he-"
       I waved my hand dismissively. "It is what it is. If he doesn't like me like that, then..." I sighed, embracing the truth, "then there's nothing anyone can do to change it."
       I stared hard at the floor. There really wasn't anything I could do.
       "You don't have to try to make me feel better. I... think I'd rather be alone right now," I tried to smile again as I turned around and began walking towards my classroom again. It wasn't too far away.
       I felt bad for leaving Daichi standing there alone, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want him to see me like this. I'm not meant to be seen feeling this way. Of course, that's no reason to leave someone like that.
       I thought about Asahi. Can our friendship remain the same? Will it ever even be the same? He doesn't like me like I like him, but that doesn't mean we can't have our super unbreakable friendship, right? I decided that I should try and distance myself more from Asahi. It was for the greater good of the both of us, and our friendship. Yes. Distance...
        I walked into my classroom, immediately greeted by the mess Takahashi created form my lunch. I crouched down onto my knees, and started scooping any leftover rice into the palm of my hand. There's no way I'm going to get into more trouble because of Takahashi. I thought as I carefully picked each grain of rice from the floor, then tossed them into the trash can.  I picked up my container and began walking back to my desk.
        The bell rang again for our after-lunch periods to start. I sat in my desk and picked up the lid that was thrown onto the floor and put both of them in my backpack again. Only a few more classes. Then you can go to practice and go home... in the rain. I thought miserably.

        I didn't care what the teacher this time thought, I didn't feel like taking notes. I tried to bury my face in my arms, but the teacher caught me and I had to sit up- of course instead of completely sitting up I leaned my hand on my head and stared out the window.     
       I just wanted to go home and sleep. The entire day had been exhausting, and it was the last class of the day before I had to go to practice, then I could go home.
       My stomach grumbled, annoyed that I didn't eat anything. I was annoyed too, but eating was the least of my worries- even if it wasn't the least of my worries I was too depressed to eat anything.
       I've had a crush on Asahi for years, and I had only realized it last year so it's not like I had the time to confess. Not like it matters if I had time. He doesn't like me anyway.
       I stared out the window again, watching as the once sprinkling rain was now pouring down on us like a waterfall. The sky was upset too. I watched as puddles formed on the cement; a trap for anyone without rain boots. Sighing, I looked back up tot he chalkboard and began to write down the bare minimum of notes that I'd need. I mean, it's better than doing nothing, right?
I looked at the clock. Ten more minutes and then the day is over. Oh wait... I suddenly remembered that we had practice after school too. I couldn't just skip practice. Sigh...
       "Nishinoya Yuu, would you like to answer this question?" I was pulled from my thoughts as quickly looked at the board.
       "Sorry ma'am.. which question?" it was in my best interest not to get in anymore trouble.
       "That's what I thought... Takahashi, please answer..."
I looked down at my backpack, hoping for a meat bun to appear out of thin air. My stomach grumbled again longingly. God... let the bell ring already. I internally begged.
"Alright students, please begin to pack up your things. The bell will ring shortly," the teacher announced (finally). I quickly stuffed my notebook in my backpack with my pencil, and zipped it up in a rush.
Soon enough, the bell rang it's annoying sound and everyone began rushing out the door. I entered the hall and began running towards the stairs, when suddenly I felt the back of the collar of my shirt being pulled back. Takahashi?!
I turned around to see Takeda Sensei standing there with a big smile across his lips.
"Nishinoya," he started, "today's volleyball practice has been cancelled. The principal needs to inspect the gym today for any damages. Good thing I caught you before you left, haha."
Volleyball practice? Cancelled? I didn't know whether this was good or not in general, but I wasn't complaining since I got to go home.
"Oh, ok! Have a good day, Takeda-Sensei!" I said in the most enthusiastic voice I could manage, then waved goodbye and started walking to the entrance.

Love Me In Secret (Asanoya)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon