19: felt alone

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I walk into the room seeing mikasa next to y/n "she's not doing well levi." She says "I'll take her to the hospital." I say "Levi." Eren walks in "hmm?" "Zeke is here." He says "tell I'll see him later." I say going over to y/n "y/n wake up." I say she dosnt "love we're gonna go to the hospital okay." I say she moves slightly "Levi... it's about her father." Eren says" I frown looking at him "what about it." I say he dosnt say i sigh and get up walking out

"Zeke." I say "Levi." He says "Eren said you have something on y/ns father." I say "he's dead." He says "what?" I ask "he's dead the Titans found him they'll be going for y/n mother then her." He says I sigh "Eren make sure there are people watching the rehab home" I say he nods mikasa walks down the stairs with y/n "the car is in the left garage." I say handing mikasa my keys she nods I take y/n into my arms "you alright?" I ask she still shivers "my legs are w-weak." She says I put her up bridle style "we'll talk later." I say walking out

I stand next to mikasa waiting for a response to the doctors in how she's doing "mr akerman." Someone says i walk out "is she okay." "She's alright she has phenomena so we gave her antibiotics she'll be fine we'll keep her over night to check in but shes overall alright." She says "thank you." I say "she's in room 2b if you'd like to see her." She says I nod she walks off "Mikasa come on." I say she comes over as we walk to y/ns room

I walk in as she still sleeps she's not shivering anymore I sit next to her on the bed placing my hand in her cheek her eyes slowing open "sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I say she shakes her head no "it's fine." She says "you okay?" I ask she nods "I'm fine." I take her hand in mine kissing it I see something on her arm "y/n?" I ask "she pulls her hand away "mikasa can you give me a minute." Say she nods "I'll be out side." She says i nod she walks out "what are those." I ask giving y/n time to come up with some stupid explanation for hurting herself like berry scratched me or something "it's nothing." She says "y/n." I say "Levi." She says "why did you do this." I ask taking her hand back into mine extending her arm seeing the healing cuts "I had no one I gave up my family dosnt care, Petra is dead you left me." She says I move hair out of her face "I don't want you to do this again. alright.?" I say "then don't leave me!." She says my eyes widen I place my hand on her cheek "I'm sorry. I promise."I say she nods

Few days later


I open my eyes stretch I feel I'm being pulled into someone I turn around seeing levi sleeping I smile moving his hair out of his face i get out of his grasp and get up  putting on clothes and I walk out of the room

I finish making breakfast "after all the time I've been away from you I'd like to wake up next to you again." I hear feeling levis arms wrap around my waist as he kisses my neck I smile "sorry but here I made you pancakes." I say handing him a plate "thank you." He says and takes it going over to the table "I'm going to go back to the bakery today." I say "alone?" "Yeah.." I say "no" he says "Levi I need to interview people anyway." I say "you'll take sonny and bean." He says "lev-" "y/n! You'll take sonny and bean." He says i sigh "fine."

I walk into the bakery turning on the lights i sigh and go behind the counter I take out the old pastries from the rack and throw them away "time to make more." I say and go to the kitchen "oh I'm you two and just stay out here." I say to sonny and bean I walk back
I place the pastry's into the display case my phone rings. I grab it seeing it's Levi "hi." I say "how is the bakery.?" He asks "a lot of work I never realized how hard it is to do all this by my self." I say "I'll find someone for you." He says "you don't need to do that." I say "yes well I also don't need to take you to pros tonight but I am" he says "w-what..." I say "Paris." He says "you....Paris?" I say "is there a problem?" He says "ahhhh! Ahahaha THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I yell jumping "Levi do you know what's in Paris! Only the best culinary places of pastries !!" I say he chuckles "yes I know I'll pick you up at 3 your stuff is packed I had mikasa do it for me." He says i nod "Thank you Levi!" I say "you're welcome I love you bye." "ILove you too bye." We hang up I jump up and down

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